You brought up how bad the Inscribing off hands were, I believe Blizzard specifically stated they no longer want crafted items to be best in the slot. What this effectively did was make Tailoring and Leatherworking redundant, people took Tailoring in TBC because of the FSW and Spellstrike set...
An incredibly powerful trinket that required you to snapshot the effect with your DoTs to gain the most value. There’s other big stat trinkets (Black Blood of Y’shaarj,Ticking Ebon Detonatoretc) that could go in this spot as well. The point is really just that these trinkets had such ...
I have to farm M+ for the latest DK trinket, whether it be IQD, Puzzle Box, Fragment, or Mirror (to name a few). These have all been BiS for my spec at one time or another since the start of Shadowlands. And the only way to get the best version of them is to get luc...
If you have problems in Legion legacy raids in terms of HPS: Get the leech trinket from the Maldraxxus mixture rares (east of Seat of the Primus). If it drops it always has the leech bonus. In Legion you do 8x the damage therefore any kind of leech is also much much stronger. An...