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On the night of February 27, 1973, a caravan of cars carrying 200 armed Oglala Lakota-led by American Indian Movement (AIM) activists-entered Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Reservation and quickly occupied buildings, cut off access, and took up defensive positions. When federal agents arrived...
简介 On the night of February 27, 1973, a caravan of cars carrying 200 armed Oglala Lakota-led by American Indian Movement (AIM) activists-entered Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Reservation and quickly occupied buildings, cut off access, and took up defensive positions. When federal agents ar...
Wound·ed Knee (wo͞on′dĭd) A creek of southwest South Dakota. Some 300 Lakota were massacred here by US troops on December 29, 1890. In 1973 a standoff between Indian activists and US law officers resulted in deaths on both sides. ...
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee.(Movie review)Lowry, Brian
That day in 1973, as G-Bear introduced me to the people of Wounded Knee, was not the first time I had been confronted with austere poverty. Having grown up in the suburbs of New Jersey, I had seen poverty at a distance—as my family drove by on our way somewhere else, as a young...
Turner, Lance