1890年12月29日发生的伤膝河大屠杀 (Wounded Knee Massacre),是指美军在南达科他州伤膝河附近屠杀250多名美洲原住民的事件,其中大部分是拉科塔族(Lakota)的Miniconjou人(拉科塔人的一个分支,他们以前居住在现今南达科他州西部从布莱克山到普拉特河的地区)。虽然美国政府将这次事件定义为“战斗”,但大多数美洲原...
REMOTE CONTROLLED: Documentary revisits Wounded Knee standoffOPINION BY GERALD M GAY
We Shall Remain: Part V - Wounded Knee: Regia di Stanley Nelson. Con Dennis Banks, Clyde Bellecourt, Benjamin Bratt, Carter Camp. On the night of February 27, 1973, fifty-four cars, horns blaring, rolled into a small hamlet on the Pine Ridge Indian Reser
We Shall Remain: Part V - Wounded Knee: Directed by Stanley Nelson. With Dennis Banks, Clyde Bellecourt, Benjamin Bratt, Carter Camp. On the night of February 27, 1973, fifty-four cars, horns blaring, rolled into a small hamlet on the Pine Ridge Indian R