Sounds great!I would just remove the "as me" at the end as it sounds repetitive.-> "If you were me, I think you would do the same thing."Here's another way to say it:-> "You would probably do the same thing if you were in my shoes."@...
I would be very grateful if you could help. AI_monga 18 giu こんにちは!日本語の敬語を学ぶための参考になる本やサイトをいくつか紹介しますね。 1. 『新装版 やさしい日本語の敬語』(著者:小田島雄志):この本は、初心者向けに敬語の基本から応用まで丁寧に解説しています。例文や練習問題も...
Thank you in advance! そう(My general impression is that this is a more emotive expression. You use this when you're involved in a situation or have more of an emotional response to it) 1.雨が降りそうです = It seems like it's about to rain ...
食塩 would feel more like a substance imo.Usually we use 塩 to refer the salt you put in your food. But in recipes or formal books, and science or maths textbooks 食塩 is more natural.@