この名前について以下の質問に自由な感性で答えてほしいです。 あなたが日本語を勉強していたとしても日本語を理解していない人ならどう思うかを考えていただきたいです。 I would like you to answer the question about my name with your own free sensibility. ...
I would like to visit Japan.の場合も 意味は同じですが I would like to が丁寧な伝わり方にな...
@K-nerdalright, I was relieved to hear that. So, which means that you’d prefer yours to mine if you say that context of meaning, right?
thank you very much for your answer, I cannot reply in Japanese yet but I understand what you say with help of translator too.It is really interesting, I feel like 話しかける is similar to “catch a conversation”, that makes me see it really different to just 話す now.@ix...
@naoitk わかりました。今はもう少し明確になっていることを願っています。
- Hey, I really miss you. It's been so long since we last saw each other. (こんにちは、本当に君が恋しいよ。最後に会ったのはずいぶん前だね。) 2. 「I told u I would talk to u when i knew my answer」- 「答えが分かったら話すと言ったでしょう」 ...
@meigen366sorry, I have one more question if you don’t mind. Does どうやって apply to 生きていけ or 言うつもりですか? In other words, is that phrase something like “how do I live?” or “how are you going to tell me to live?” (どうやって生きていく vs どうやって言う...
Yes that’s correct, good job🙂✨ はい、それは正しいです、良い仕事です🙂✨ ...