Would you rather wear no underwear or no socks for a year?Are you ready to play a game of Would You Rather but you're having trouble coming up with good Would You Rather questions? You've ended up at exactly the place to solve that dilemma. With over 500 Would You Rather questions ...
Would you rather live without social media or the internet? Would you rather have to always scream or always whisper? Would you rather be a person that listens a lot or talks a lot? Would you rather have 10 siblings or no siblings? Would you rather be the size of a flea or a giraffe?
Would You Rather Look strong and fit but actually be weak or Look weak and out of shape but be really strong? Funny Would You Rather Questions Would You Rather: Always be overdressed for events or Always be underdressed for events?
A dedicated website for the best would you rather questions on the internet. It contains over a thousand Good, Funny, Dirty, Gross, Hard, and Crazy Would You Rather Questions Suitable For Anyone.
'Would you rather' questions can be great open-ended conversation starters for your ESL students. The examples in this lesson are sure to get your...
You have some questions to ask a girl in your mental Rolodex and you've asked all the funny questions to ask a girl that you can think of and the conversation has turned to would you rather questions. 27. Would you rather eat the same meal for the rest of your life or never use In...
Would you rather dine alone or watch a movie by yourself? Would you rather be the richest person in the world or be immortal? Would you rather wear pants 3 sizes too big or shoes 3 sizes too small? Would you rather questions to ask BAE?
164. Would you rather watch nothing but Hallmark Christmas movies or nothing but horror movies? Would you rather lose all your teeth or lose a day of your life every time you kissed someone? That’s why on this page there are would you rather questions for kids that are perfect for young...
Would you rather questions are great because there are only two answers… Yes and no! In this free worksheet, students ask each other questions on the worksheet. When they find someone with one of the answers, they mark an “X” on their worksheet. ...
We have funny would you rather questions that range from silly to ones that make you go "hmmm..." You'll certainly get lots of laughs by asking these questions. SillyWould You Rather: Be a cow or Be a chickenFight 100 duck sized horses or Fight 1 horse sized duck...