More Funny Questions ► Hard Would You Rather Questions Would You Rather: Lose the ability to talk or Lose the ability to read? Age only from the neck up or Age only from the neck down? Be remembered but hated or Be forgotten about completely?
"Would You Rather" is both a fun game and one of the most timeless traditions for sleepovers, long car rides, and boring summer afternoons, and now you can ...
We analysed thousands of “Would you rather?” questions and put together a top 50 list of the hardest (and funniest) questions that will make you reeeeally think. This post will be extremely useful for those who are bored out of their mind or are currently taking a dump with phone in ...
We have funny would you rather questions that range from silly to ones that make you go "hmmm..." You'll certainly get lots of laughs by asking these questions. SillyWould You Rather: Be a cow or Be a chickenFight 100 duck sized horses or Fight 1 horse sized duck...
For example, "Would you rather eat a bug or never visit an amusement park ever again?" has kids mulling the risks and rewards of short- or long-term inconveniences. And questions that make children wonder, "What would people think?" (such as, “Would you rather be really smart or reall...
Would you rather dine alone or watch a movie by yourself? Would you rather be the richest person in the world or be immortal? Would you rather wear pants 3 sizes too big or shoes 3 sizes too small? Would you rather questions to ask BAE?
'Would you rather' questions can be great open-ended conversation starters for your ESL students. The examples in this lesson are sure to get your...
These are the 22 burning dating inquiries to ask someone you’re actually excited about. They’ll let you know if they’re thinking about getting to know you too. The wonderful thing about would you rather questions is that people genuinely enjoy them. ...
Would you rather fly high like a bird or swim fast like a shark ? Would you rather eat something spicy or something sweet? Would you rather be one year older or one year younger? Would you rather questions for kids in grades 3-5 ...
If you're planning to get a set of questions ready for the next kids' gathering - then you're in luck! We have several sets of questions that you can ask in your game. Let's take a look! 'Would You Rather' Questions for Kids Would You Rather is a conversational ice-breaker game ...