All tanks from the game in one place. Browse premium, researchable and hidden tanks, check their stats and armor.
All tanks from the game in one place. Browse premium, researchable and hidden tanks, check their stats and armor.
- T97E2悬挂在车体旋转时的扩圈加强10% - 120 mm Gun T122主炮安装在T140炮塔的装填时间由11.4s加强至11s - 120 mm Gun M58主炮安装在T140炮塔的装填时间由11.2加强至10 s - 120 mm Gun T122主炮安装在T140炮塔的瞄准时间由2.6s加强至2.5s - 加强了T140炮塔装甲 - 加强了车体装甲 T110E5 - 加强...
Water dancers are not proficient with any armor or shields. When wearing armor, using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load, a water dancer loses their AC bonus, as well as his fast movement ability.", "zhCN": "水舞僧擅长念袭和徒手击打。水舞僧不擅长使用盔甲或盾牌。在穿戴...
【19】Matthew T Mosteiko, ‘Deploying Armor: A Transportation Battalion’s Perspective and Lessons-Learned’, Armor (Vol. 138, No. 4, Fall 2021), pp. 39–42. 【20】Joseph Trevithick, ‘German Firm Says it Has a “Safer” Way for Tanks to Bl...