There's no way back from World of Tanks坦克世界中已毫无退路 This is scorched earth此地即为焦土 My shells are not blanks我的炮弹可不吃素 Everything destroyed一切化为灰烬 There's no way back from World of Tanks坦克世界中已毫无退路 They will sing us massive hymns人们将赞颂我们的伟绩 We die ...
T26E4 超级潘兴 渡鸦 T2中型坦克 M2 T3E2战斗车 T3战斗车 M3 "李" T6 中型坦克 ARMT M4A1 "谢尔曼" M4A2E4 M4改进型 “公羊”II 谢尔曼 "螃蟹" M4A3(76)W "谢尔曼" M4A3E2“小飞象” M4A3E8 "谢尔曼" M4A3E8 "谢尔曼" M4A3E8 "谢尔曼" ...
To increase firepower, a new long-barrelled 90-mm gun was mounted on the T26E1 in January 1945. The prototype was designated the T26E4. Development was discontinued in January 1947 due to problems with the gun and the loading mechanism. A total of 25 vehicles had been built by that tim...
Следуйтезаамериканскоймечтойв World of Tanks! Приобретитепакетстремявеликолепнымиамериканскимигероямисоскидкой 20%. Легендарный Sherman Fury, окрашенн...
BlitzStars Detailed player & tank statistics for World of Tanks: Blitz Become a BlitzStars Supporter! Go ad-free + more More info New! Hall of Fame Season 6 started!. Don't forget to turn on your replays!zer0day [KUTLU] (eu) Last battle 7d 8h 52m ago 4,334 # 27,2921...
LOL no, except for the two T-34-85 games, all of them were tier 8 and above. For me at least, things improved the higher the tier. The tanks I played in those 9 games: FV4202 (tier 10) - once IS-7 (tier 10) - once T110E4 (tier 10) - once E-75 (tier 9) - twice ...
T26E4 SuperPershing2 796 Type 64 73[BOT-5]ELCxSIMP3 27576%5 5151 60610 BT-42 Jatkosota HS11 081 AMX M4 mle. 543 021 Churchill III 74Saynens3 26775.97%2 72990311 Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t)7 062 Somua SM2 954 T-34-85M 75_Kevrales_4 11375.95%3 34941612 ...
坦克世界电脑版(World of Tanks) 大小:33.03G 语言:简体中文 类别:即时战略 类型:国产软件 授权:免费软件 更新:2023-08-29 环境:Windows11,Windows10,Windows8,Windows7 9.1 详情介绍 坦克世界是由Wargaming制作并在2010年推出的一款战争网游,在游戏当中玩家将要驾驶1930到1960年代的战车进行对战(PvP)目前已经有了...
Among them are the Progetto 46, the T26E4, the ISU-130, the Löwe, and the WZ-120-1G FT! Special Offer Soon after the event kicks off, you'll receive a special offer with 3 containers. Each container corresponds to a certain type of vehicle and can be claimed using one of ...
Tanks (176) Tank NameMTypeNationTierØ DamageØ XPBattlesVictoriesWN8 T26E4 SuperPershing 8 1092,57 579 1133 51,81% 1461,36 WZ-111 8 1148,18 586 837 49,82% 1356,30 Caernarvon 8 947,23 511 664 49,70% 1043,50 T34 8 1204,39 547 657 51,75% 1495,01 Churchill III 5 531,31 ...