The article reports that seven women, along with the Mississippi Center of Justice, are suing Virginia College in Birmingham, Alabama after claiming that the institution's medical assistance program degrees do not provide students with the certification necessary to work as medical assistants....
Gary Vaynerchuck didn’t, in fact, say that 99.5 percent of social media experts are clowns. He said that “99.5 percent of the people that walk around and say they are a social media expert or guru are clowns” … because they don’t think like businesspeople. Businesses need help from...
that college should come in for a drubbing. But inevitability is just another word for opportunity, and the two most vocal critics are easy to identify and strikingly similar in entrepreneurial self-image. In the past year or so, James Altucher, a New...
A GROUP of students has been cleared to sue their former college for damages after a judge ruled they had been denied the practical experience needed to launch their careers.Cassidy, Sarah