Particularly in the US, colloquial remarks criticizing the liberal arts as ‘worthless courses that offer no chances of getting people jobs’ (Kingkade, 2013) can often be heard. In responding to these critiques, LAE supporters point out that this educational model equips students with a range ...
In fact, there are many horror stories of forceful recruiters’ convincing students to take out huge loans for worthless degrees, only to end up in debt. This is sadly true, many today are still struggling to pay off the loans that they received decades ago. As a result, the Obama ...
be sure that you consider only colleges that are accredited by an agency approved by the United States Department of Education. If you attend a college which is not fully accredited, you risk getting an inferior education and winding up with a degree that is virtually worthless. That is why ...
There are many arguments for the benefits of the fast-growing world of online degrees. However, nobody wants to spend time and money earning a degree that isn't worthwhile in the job market. Unfortunately, with online degrees, the distinction between a worthy degree and a worthless one is ...
“one-third of a million waiters and waitresses with college degrees.” The study says Vedder — distinguished professor of economics at Ohio University, an adjunct scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and director of CCAP —“was startled a year ago when the person he hired to cut ...
(referring to formal education). Society stresses college education so much that too many people are getting degrees. Then they can't find jobs. Either because the job market is saturated in their field, or they just picked a worthless major. They don't realize how much further ahead they ...
"Through these important partnerships with states' attorneys general, we are pleased to offer relief to Corinthian students who were defrauded," King said. "And we will continue to take action to protect students and taxpayers from unscrupulous companies trying to profit off of students who simply...