If you attend a college which is not fully accredited, you risk getting an inferior education and winding up with a degree that is virtually worthless. That is why we list and link to only fully accredited institutions. To help you find the best online degree options for you, we have ...
There are many arguments for the benefits of the fast-growing world of online degrees. However, nobody wants to spend time and money earning a degree that isn't worthwhile in the job market. Unfortunately, with online degrees, the distinction between a worthy degree and a worthless one is ...
(Freshman year was in off-campus housing due to lack of sufficient dorm space at that time). I received a firm grounding in my studies and was accepted at The University of Michigan- Ann Arbor for grad studies and received 2 M.A. degrees from that institution. TU was an exceptional ...
You are going to Hiram because (1) it’s a charming campus with lovely old buildings on a sweet hillside with a great view of the countryside, (2) it’s not far from home, (3) you got a scholarship, (4) Harvard didn’t accept you. But mostly, you’re going there because you a...
If students get a degree and a decent job and repay their loans, that's great. But if they drop out of college, or their degrees turn out to be worthless, as so many are, and they can't repay what they have borrowed, so what? The college doesn't care. ...
Type 'liberal arts degrees are,' into Google, and the search engine suggests you finish the line with 'worthless' or 'useless.' And how should a liberal arts student respond to that charge? Even As They Proliferate, Online MBAs Remain Controversial Though some applaud the flexibility and ...
be sure that you consider only colleges that are accredited by an agency approved by the United States Department of Education. If you attend a college which is not fully accredited, you risk getting an inferior education and winding up with a degree that is virtually worthless. That is why ...