Binary search trees: average and worst case behavior - Guttler, Mehlhorn, et al. - 1980R. Guttler K. Mehlhorn and W. Schneider. Bi- nary search trees: average and worst case be- havior. Elektron. Informationsverarb Kybernet, 16:579{591, 1980....
Optimal visibility algorithms for binary images on the hypercube Since the worst case communication distance of two processors in a n 2 -processor hypercube is 2 log n , it follows that both of the above algorithms... F Dehne,QT Pham,Ivan Stojmenovi - 《International Journal of Parallel Prog...
primarily aim to avoid the need of random oracle or pseudo-random function, rather than improve worst-case cost. Their construction uses a binary search tree, and requires periodic reshuffling operations that can take O(N log N ) time. In contrast, we use a bi- nary tree (instead of a ...
Both share the idea of intertwining the recursive calls of the back-end with a preprocessing phase, applied to the current subgame, in search of a sufficiently small dominion for some player ℘, i.e., a set of positions from where ℘ wins without ever exiting the set. The first ...
(c) int[] myArray=new int[n]; // Read array from a file readArray(myArray, n) sum = 0; for( i = 0; i < n; i++) sum++; for( j = 0; j < n*n; j++) // Search for j in myArray, 0, n, j...
Worst-Case InstanceAlgorithmSearch-based software engineering has mainly dealt with automated test data generation by metaheuristic search techniques. Similarly, we try to generate the test data (i.e., problem instances) which show the worst case of algorithms by such a technique. In this paper, ...
You might think the second approach would run more slowly, because a binary search requires the input be sorted. That’s true. But notice that the programmer of the antipattern forgot to break out of the loop when finding the match, so that code’s efficiency is terrible anyway. ...
aiT WCET Analyzers statically compute tight upper bounds for the worst-case execution time (WCET) of tasks in real-time systems. They directly analyze binary executables and take the intrinsic cache and pipeline behavior into account.Qualification run results Difference analysis Visualization of cache ...
Using BLOB data in Neo4j is one of the very few real anti-patterns for graph databases, in my opinion. If you have to deal with BLOB data, choose an appropriate store for that use case and use Neo4j to store the URL that points you to the binary data. The Dark Side of Hiding Aspec...
A search tree strategy has been proposed to reduce the searching time in the MPC context [14], [15]. If the process model or the controller tuning parameters change, however, the computation of the regions has to be done again. This field continues evolving and new and more elaborate ...