The epsilon-subdifferential of convex univariate piecewise linear-quadratic (PLQ) functions can be computed in linear worst-case time complexity as the level-set of a convex function. Using binary search, we improve the complexity to logarithmic worst-case time, and prove such complexity is optimal...
to Analyze Algorithm Performance Based on the Worst-case Instances - Jeon, Kim - 2010 () Citation Context ...emert [8] tried to find the worst case of some algorithms for binary constraint satisfaction, Boolean satisfiability, and the travelling salesperson problem, in terms of time complexity....
As we know the computation of nonlinear modified Bessel function is required to implement the optimum ML receiver. According to this fact, one of the existent approximations is used in this paper to simplify the analysis, decrease the complexity of the receiver and investigate the performance of ...
When this case holds, and the time complexity of computing the base-cases of the recurrence does not exceed M(||s||) (i.e. when the amortized running time for computing each one of the Θ(||s||2) base cases is [Math Processing Error]OM(||s||)||s||2), we say that the ...
Journal of the ACM 32 (1985), 652–686. CrossRef R. E. Tarjan. Amortized computational complexity. SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods 6 (1985), 306–318. CrossRef About this Chapter Title Single and Bulk Updates in Stratified Trees: An Amortized andWorst-Case Analysis Book...
We show an almost-linear-time reduction from solving any such problem in the worst-case to solving some other problem (in the same class) on typical inputs. Furthermore, for some of these problems, we show that their average-case complexity almost equals their worst-case complexity. En ...
Our proof relies on a smoothing lemma for codes which we show to have further implications: We show that (n, m, w)-NCP with the aforementioned parameters lies in the complexity class Search-BPP~(SZK) (i.e. reducible to a problem that has a statistical zero knowledge protocol) implying ...
to Analyze Algorithm Performance Based on the Worst-case Instances - Jeon, Kim - 2010 () Citation Context ...emert [8] tried to find the worst case of some algorithms for binary constraint satisfaction, Boolean satisfiability, and the travelling salesperson problem, in terms of time complexity....
recursive programs. Our procedure can synthesize non-polynomial bounds of the form\(\mathcal {O}(n \log n)\), as well as\(\mathcal {O}(n^r)\), whereris not an integer. We show the applicability of our technique to obtain worst-case complexity bounds for several classical recursive ...
solution should improve on one of the naive approaches depending on whether it is response-hiding or response-revealing. Worst-Case Sub-linear Search Complexity.While OXT achieves sub-linear search complexity for conjunctive queries, its extension to disjunctive and arbitrary boolean queries does not....