Broken (444) Brokenness (33) Burden (155) C Call to Worship (35) Calling (188) Calm (630) Calvary (270) Captive (136) Care (135) Celebration (1304) Chains (296) Challenge (12) Change (498) Character (78) Child of God (33) Children (484) Christ (1026) Christ The King (1) ...
Two action songs followed and a game. The second speaker was Ptr. Paolo, preaching about the Potter and the Clay from Jeremiah 18, highlighting that we could either receive God’s discipline if we continue in sin or avoid it if we choose to live right. Afterwards, there were group dynamic...
These are “testimony” songs about God’s sustaining grace and power to deliver in time of need; songs about how God rescued us from the pit of despair and put us on the path to Eternal Life; testimonies and praise to Him in upbeat, as well as quiet and worshipful, tunes; and songs...
Listen to music by Simply Worship on Apple Music. Find top songs and albums by Simply Worship, including Wake, It Is Well and more.
but really speaks to our inner man. When we are dependent upon God for the power and effectiveness of our sermons, our music leading and even our public praying, then we are trulylaying aside our pride in our own giftedness and allowing the Holy Spirit to bring His Word and truth to th...
mental health,” says Asher. “Once this revival ends, we can carry this message of goodness and forgiveness … The chains of suicide, the chains of depression, the chains of anxiety can be broken in Jesus.” Many of the songs reflect this hope in their melodic repetitions of heartfelt ...
Here is an acrostic I made that contains verses about thanksgiving, music and praise to God. As you read through it, remember Psalm 95:2,“Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!”(ESV) Let us think about all of our...
and they knew this was the year to release a full-length album to share the songs and resources while also serving the global Church. Offering an authentic expression of God moving in the lives of the people in the church, whether celebrating victory or acknowledging the brokenness in our li...
“Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (...