‘[t]his was a divinely planned and created order implying hierarchy, and designed to safeguard God’s perfect paradise from the encroachment of uncleanness . . . as long as God’s arrangements and personal authority were respected by Adam and Eve. If this authority structure – God, the m...
||| Battle Hymn Of The Republic 共和国战歌 ||| Be Still for the Presence of the Lord 安静,主的同在在这里 ||| Be still, my soul 安静,我的灵魂 ||| Be still, my soul 安静,我的灵魂 ||| Be Thou My Vision 成为我异象 ||| Beauty for Brokenness 破碎之美 ||| Because He Lives 因...
Indeed, deliberately swerving the "pompousness of the large orchestra," Zimmer instead relied on a cabinet of musical curiosities — from a pub piano deliberately broken in an underground car park to a hacksawed upright bass — to produce an unconventional old-timey soundtrack befitting of Robert...
Two action songs followed and a game. The second speaker was Ptr. Paolo, preaching about the Potter and the Clay from Jeremiah 18, highlighting that we could either receive God’s discipline if we continue in sin or avoid it if we choose to live right. Afterwards, there were group dynamic...
Title track, “Honest”, sets the tone with a genuine prayer to God asking straight-forwardly if we truly come to Him at our lowest points in all our brokenness, will we be welcomed & loved or turned away & ignored. “Gamble On Your Goodness” tells of placing your belief in God’s...
involved with for almost 20 years: “I was heartbroken at first because my view of God had been so small. My view of God had been one where I believed I would be outside of that kind of love and that acceptance that the faith affords you, as a believ...
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." Luke 2:13-14 We really oughta celebrate something this bigevery day with music....
安魂曲或安魂弥撒,安魂曲弥撒专用音乐也被称为安魂曲,该术语后来被用于与死亡和哀悼相关的其他音乐作品,即使它们缺乏宗教或礼拜意义。 该术语也用于罗马天主教会以外的类似仪式,特别是在圣公会的盎格鲁天主教分支和某些路德教会中。东正教和东方天主教会以及卫理公会也存在类似的服务,但仪式形式和文本完全不同。
Joan Chittister, OSB, writes about it in “The Breath of the Soul.” She calls the practice “prayerfulness.” Prayerfulness, on the other hand, is the capacity to walk in touch with God through everything in life. It is the internal awareness that God is with me — now, here, ...
Songs like “O Holy Night” work great in this type of a setting. There is a very odd song choice in “Breath of Heaven”, a song sung from the perpective of Mary and very jarring when sung by a male voice. There is also a bit of sameness that haunts all the arrangements of ...