As well as worming and getting rid of fleas, preventative healthcare includes routine vaccinations. When feeding, puppies and kittens are instantly protected against infection by their mother's milk – but it doesn't last for long. After a number of weeks (nine to 12 for cats, eight to 10...
Treatment of puppies and kittens at two, four, six and eight weeks of age is suggested by CAPC. Thereafter, animals should be put on monthly preventives as soon as label recommendations allow. Indeed, kittens do not need to be treated for ascarids until 6 weeks of age but, given the ...
Given that the lactogenic transmission lasts at least 5 weeks post partum, treating puppies at two, four, six and eight weeks of age, and then monthly until 6 months of age may suppress shedding of T. canis eggs in the whole period of puppy-hood. The need for a frequent parasiti- ...
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