Dogsand puppiesare ideal hosts for worms and other parasites. If your puppy is losing weight and hasdiarrheaand/orvomiting, then consult a vet to confirm the type of worm. Depending on the type of worm, your vet will suggest the test and treatment. Deworming: It is recommended to deworm...
Roundworm infection in dogs is very common, and treatment is easy to give and typically free of complications if caught early.Deworming treatmentscan kill this common parasite.Puppiesshould be given roundworm treatment according to the product label; make sure the product you are using is suitable...
"De-Worming Information" Be sure to de-worm your dogs. . . It's easy, inexpensive and it keeps your dogs healthy and happy!Heartworms, Hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms and whipworms can affect dogs and cats of any age – in fact, almost all puppies and kittens are born with ...
Many folks are unaware of how much money it costs a professional breeder to produce healthy puppies or kittens, as well as to provide proper care for them, for their adult breeding pets, and to take part in the screening necessary to avoid genetic health issues. This demand for low cost p...
Before you consider choosing a puppy from a specific litter, there is a lot of background research you need to do. Much of this involves asking the breeder questions and perhaps digging into the breeder’s reviews. Ask about the puppy’s health. Was the mother dewormed? Has the puppy be...
While not directly linked to parvovirus, worms can compromise the immune system and make a puppy more vulnerable to viruses. Routine deworming eliminates this risk while also preventing other health issues caused by worms. Puppies can be dewormed safely starting at 2 weeks old, then every 2 ...
If you do not want your puppy or dog to be on heartworm preventative, then you should deworm according to the following schedule recommended by CAPC: Puppies should be dewormed every two weeks starting at 2 weeks of age until they are 2 months old. ...
Interceptor Plus prevents heartworm disease and treats and controls adult roundworm, hookworm, whipworm, and tapeworm infections in dogs and puppies 6 weeks or older and 2 pounds or greater. Important Safety Information: Treatment with fewer than 6 monthly doses after the last exposure to ...
Dogs have this special way of being totally uncooperative when we want them to especially behave, don’t they? It’s like they know we need to get something done and try their hardest to make it difficult as woof. Kolchak wiggles like a worm while I try to dry him off. Felix squirm...
Puppies can be born with roundworms, which they get from their mother. Puppies may get tapeworms from eating a flea that is carrying the worm larva. You may notice small white tapeworm segments in your puppy's feces. Hookworms can be passed to the puppy through the mother's milk and can...