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"Because we couldn't be trusted. The Emperor needed a weapon that would never obey its own desires before those of the Imperium. He needed a weapon that would never bite the hand that feeds. The World Eaters were not that weapon. We've all drawn blades p
Is the generation alive today now seeing the fulfillment of many Bible Prophecies that will change the World (and our lives) … FOREVER?
In June and July 1940, the battlecruiser was in the Mediterranean area. She was flagship during the 3 July Mers-el-Kebir battle, the most dramatic and destructive of several incidents in which the British Navy seized, interned, destroyed or attempted to destroy the warships of their recent ...
Obama reports to king as US-Saudi ties face new pressures Iran implores the U.S., EU to help it access frozen funds UN: Up to 1 million immigrants heading to Europe from Libya Russian jets conduct aggressive overflights near US destroyer US Navy officer suspected of spying for China and...
ww2dbaseHMS Neptune, the fourth ship of the class, was laid down at Portsmouth Dockyard in southern England, United Kingdom on 24 September 1931 and commissioned into the Royal Navy on 12 February 1934. For most of the first nine months of World War II the Neptune, under the command of ...
Unnecessary because the train of events that led to its outbreak might have been broken at any point during the five weeks of crisis that preceded the first clash of arms, had prudence or common goodwill found a voice; tragic because the consequences of the first clash ended the lives of ...
Malaysian officials to families: Flight MH370 lost at sea Lives of 529 Muslim Brotherhood suspects in hands of mufti Japan's Toyota fined $1.2 billion for defrauding its customers The US and Russia impose sanctions on each other Russia and Crimea inseparable now--treaty has been signed Malaysian...
1802+1821: Victor Emmanuel I (1820+1878) was the king of Sardinia until he was forced to abdicate in favor of his brother because of his own reactionary policies. 1803: The Haitians proclaimed The Republic of Haiti. Napoleon was desperate for funds. Napoleon and Charles de Talleyrand, the ...