King of the Sea XVII Qualifier•16.08.2024-02.09.2024 Europe North America APAC Warship Masters 2024•11.05.2024-20.05.2024 International Beat the Pro 2024•03.02.2024-05.02.2024 International King of the Sea XVI•14.10.2023-05.11.2023 ...
增补了Xbox旗帜及相应补丁。新增了美国X级战列舰“佛蒙特”的独特永久涂装——“King of the Sea — 星际”。新增了“星际争霸”系列活动的奖励,包括“King of the Sea XVI决赛选手”成就以及独特的“King of the Sea XVI”纪念旗帜。海军基地港口在12.10版本中焕然一新,其设计理念深受黑色星期五活动的启发。...
[NC]kingofthesea2317Follow No API access consent Random BattlesCurrent Random BattlesSoloIn Division (2)In Division (3)Ranked BattlesCo-op BattlesAll Battles SummaryProgress Overall2/15 to2/182/13 to2/152/08 to2/132/05 to2/082/03
日本国港回到其最初的春季设计,而纽约港则回归其夏季设计。 新增内容与变动 === — 游戏将新增一个献给 “ King of the Sea ” 锦标赛的收藏,更多详情将随后公布。 — 新增冬季公测旗帜,完成冬季测试的3个个人任务即可获得。 — 新增以下舰艇,供开发者、志愿者及社群贡献者测试: VIII Pyotr Bagration 、 ...
完成两个以King of the Sea 为主题精神的特殊任务!第一个任务可通过联赛直播期间主播分享的礼品码兑换(上面的)。第二个任务通过点击下方按钮(激活! 完成两个任务您一共可以获得5个King of the Sea收藏补给箱。完成收藏的奖励为VII级加值...
海霸王/King of the Sea - International Finals Tune in for the International finals of our King of the Sea tournament - presented live from our Paris studio! Featuring the most experienced Warships casting team with Flamu and Izolate, this will be an event to remember!
Updates to their armor have made King George V and Duke of York more vulnerable, so they have received an improved Repair Party: Extra charge added Repair Party cooldown reducedfrom 80 to 60seconds HP per second increasedby ~25% Restores more HP to the ship parts, making them a little ha...
26.10.2017Seakiller_dk 至:[BTGDK] Btg-danmark 帳號資訊隱藏 26.10.2017larsdkid 26.10.2017Cult_DK24 4871 23652.19%57 297 24.10.2017KingGraveth 21.10.2017SuperZonic109 1191 26251.17%46 609 19.10.2017KingGraveth 13.10.2017werewolf455 11.10.2017zonik_DK4 4961 78756.92%56 994 ...
95[VNES] Vietnam Elite Squad21254%1 51056 1174667 95[-NOM-] Naumachian Gladiators A.K.A -NOM-achians462852.34%1 22748 6394567 95[BBK] BBKing321153.41%1 36969 5325167 95[A-R] Armada Rosita261953.62%1 44258 4325567 100[STORM] Storm441352.66%1 29751 0334666...
9 [BONKZ] King_Viper 52 2 733 76.92% 2 5 127 078 236 825 2 869 5 276 10 [SALTY] GIGACHAD_CV 141 2 714 74.47% 2.06 7 118 440 267 400 2 329 4 926 11 SagwaLimePunch 42 2 680 73.81% 2.14 7 116 563 222 011 2 885 4 883 12 [386LV] _Thanagor_ 45 2 679 75.56% 2.18 7...