How to Restore Vendored, Disenchanted, or Destroyed Season 4 Items for the Revival Catalyst? If you deleted, destroyed, or disenchanted an eligible item that you want to use for the system, you should visit theWorld of Warcraft Item Restorationpage for further assistance. ...
How to submit feedback for World of Warcraft The ones who make decisions on this do not take feedback on this forum and the Blues who post here are not liasons with them. 1 Like Vralok-turalyon (Vralok) September 25, 2024, 7:08pm 43 General feedback might work too. But for thi...
World of Warcraft Hotfixes: October 16, 2020 Blizzard Entertainment Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth and WoW Classic. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may requir...
Why haven’t they created some form of protocol to evaluate these instances and then to subsequently follow said protocol to recover/return said items? My opinion - No communications between team members at Blizzard and it is resulting in an absolute mess where the players are suffering and in...
Frenetically paced combat has always been the Blizzard design ethos. You can see it in Diablo and the Warcraft RTS games where the player becomes a superhero and easily vanquishes hundreds of mobs in a single play session with no apparent fatigue or appreciable downtime. ...
BetterBags is a bag replacement addon for World of Warcraft, inspired by AdiBags. It has a fresh, clean look, updated to the 2024 World of Warcraft art style. It currently includes most of the features of AdiBags and is being worked on daily. ...