Meowcactus: MeowKit Developer,MeowUI & MeowWADesigner, providing practical and beautifully designed WeakAuras and User Interfaces for World of Warcraft players around the world. 为全球魔兽世界玩家提供设计感与实用性兼备的 UI 界面与 WA 套件。 Credits 致谢 Xeluk (WunderUI) Nawuko (WunderUI) Jiberish...
WoW Interface Addon Kit: Locating Undocumented or Hidden Global Functions ADVANCED (Hidden API calls?): WoW Specific Lua Functions:
Home Helper Applications AddOn Studio for World of Warcraft(not actively supported) - A Visual Studio-like IDE for developing WoW addons Interface Customization Tool- Official Blizzard UI kit. Extract all the built-in interface files including source code and artwork. ...
2. 若需启用FrameXML校验功能,请拷贝UI.XSD(可使用World of Warcraft AddOn Kit解出,或在此下载)至 %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Xml\Schemas\ ,并重启 AddOn Studio即可。 QUOTE: 已知问题 1. 若系统中已安装VS2005,则安装完成的Addon Studio无法保存项目,提示“this operation should not be c...
Champions new or returning to World of Warcraft and The War Within who want to know more cantake a tour of the Trading Postto learn everything you need to know, from where to find it to how you can earn additional Trader's Tender through the Traveler's Log. ...
v1.0.2 ByMeowcactus ReleaseR Dec 3, 2023 10.93 MB 1.2K 10.2.5+2 Retail Classic + 1 File Name Supported Versions 10.2.5 3.4.3 1.15.0 Changelog Additional Files Related Projects Voice Ziye Voice Pack for Dragonflight Season 3 Mythic+ Dungeon (Mandarin/ English) 子夜:巨龙时代...
ElvUI is a complete replacement for the default User Interface. It is a very popular UI addon for all levels of play, including the highest levels of play. It is very user-friendly and takes very little time to set up and master. It also comes already furnished with almost everything yo...
Reagents: Mechasaur EZ-Build Kit. Adding |cnDARKYELLOW_FONT_COLOR:Brann's spells and abilities have the a chance to commission the Pocket Factory to build 2 Turrets to assist for 10 sec. Use: Add this Curio to Brann's collection. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Pocket Factory. Adding |cnDARK...
Esports: World of Warcraft Add set to downloadsWoW Arena World Championship 2016 Recap Play video Add set to downloadsWorld of Warcraft Arena World Championship Fact Sheet World of Warcraft Esports Fact Sheet View image WoW Esports 2017
Not only is this a popular AddOn among top players, but we here at Icy Veins use it for all our characters. ElvUI eliminates most of the inefficiencies of the Blizzard interface, which are many and varied. It is extremely user friendly, and takes very little time to set up and master....