The Best Add-Ons Classic World of Warcraft are mostly ones that just make life easier when playing, we will list only the must-have Addons you need before you start playing. Some of these will be as simple as being able to Open All of your Mail within your Mailbox with one button. ...
This AddOn restores the pre 10.x UI Frames and Unit Frames. The goal of this AddOn is to make the frames work and look exactly like they used to. Frames that have been reverted to their pre 10.x version so far: Unit Frames UI Frames ClassPowerBars (soul shards, combo points etc) M...
This AddOn restores the pre 10.x UI Frames and Unit Frames. The goal of this AddOn is to make the frames work and look exactly like they used to. Frames that have been reverted to their pre 10.x version so far: Unit Frames UI Frames ClassPowerBars (soul shards, combo points etc) M...
If you like this AddOn why not consider supporting the author? The authorsiweiahas set up a donation account. Donations help ensure that authors can continue to develop useful tools for everyone. Find out more! More AddOns to Consider.
Beta-version AddOns 74 files Plug-Ins & Patches 755 files Discontinued and Outdated Mods 3,889 files AddOns Compilations What's Hot? WCLPlayerScore-WotLK-CN WOTLK Classic TomTom Map, Coords, Compasses Deadly Boss Mods Raid Mods Clean Icons - Mechagnome... ...
Discover the Best WoW Addons on CurseForge - Enhance your World of Warcraft experience with free addons that customize UI, visuals, and more
Beta-version AddOns 74 files Plug-Ins & Patches 755 files Discontinued and Outdated Mods 3,889 files AddOns Compilations What's Hot? WCLPlayerScore-WotLK-CN WOTLK Classic TomTom Map, Coords, Compasses Deadly Boss Mods Raid Mods Clean Icons - Mechagnome... ...
Default AddOns !BaudErrorFrame,NDui Skins Support BigWigs, DBM, Details, Postal, PremadeGroupsFilter, Rematch, Skada, TMW, WeakAuras Download & Setup 1. Download and unzip the file. 2. Delete or backup your old "Interface" folder, replace with mine. ...
World of Warcraft (classic) Addon to bring the new Retail UI to WoW Classic! - Karl-HeinzSchneider/WoW-DragonflightUI
将附件压缩包里面的NovaWorldBuffs放入World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\AddOns目录下即可。六、新版本的插件为什么有那么多问题?请遇到问题的玩家,进行详细的描述,最好有截图,以便向作者反馈。 常见问题: 20、为什么我的服务器有很多位面,但是插件只显示两个?因为很多玩家没有更新插件,而新版本的插件将忽略旧...