世界精神卫生日(World Mental Health Day)是由世界精神病学协会在1992年发起的,时间是每年的10月10日。世界卫生组织认为,精神卫生是指一种健康状态。在这种状态中,每个人都能够认识到自身潜力,能够适应正常的生活压力,能够有成效地工作,并能够为其居住地做出贡献...
United We Win - Join us on October 10th at Mercedes-Benz Home Depot Backyard in Atlanta, GA for World Mental Health Day 2024. #unitedwewin
World Mental Health Day takes place on October 10, 2024. World Mental Health Day is a day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy. We have placed a detailed description of this event on this page: World Mental Health Day 2025. For further information please stop by there!
World Mental Health Day, which is supported by the United Nations (UN), is annually held on October 10 to raise public awareness about mental health issues worldwide. This event promotes open discussions on illnesses, as well as investments in prevention
在Apple Music 上收听Indigo De Souza的《World Mental Health Day (DJ Mix)》。2024年。18 首歌曲。时长:52 分钟
Younger people (particularly young women) are the most likely to feel depressed and take time off work due to stress according to an Ipsos report for World Mental Health Day 2024
在Apple Music 上收听Cephas Azariah的《World Mental Health Day (DJ Mix)》。2024年。14 首歌曲。时长:59 分钟
To mark World Mental Health Day 2024, Carson spoke with Phil Schermer, CEO of Project Healthy Minds, about the importance of mental health on the TODAY show. “It ought be as easy to find mental health services in America as it is to book a flight, hotel or restaurant reservation,” Sch...
1992年WPA发出倡议,将每年的10月10日定为世界精神卫生日(World Mental Health Day),旨在提高公众对精神健康问题的认识,消除对精神健康问题的歧视,并为那些受到精神健康问题影响的人提供支持和帮助。该倡议得到了世界各国的响应,每年这一天前后全球各地纷纷举办丰富多彩的活动,包括精神卫生健康宣教、组织义诊、开设...
The main goals of World Mental Health Day are to mobilise support for mental health and increase awareness of global mental health challenges. The Day offers an opportunity for all parties involved in mental health issues to discuss their work and wh...