This paper presents an overview of the World Mental Health (WMH) Survey Initiative version of the World Health Organization (WHO) Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) and a discussion of the methodological research on which the development of the instrument was based. The WMH-CIDI inc...
This year, the World Mental Health Day on Oct 10 was marked by the theme: “Depression: A Global Crisis . According to the World Federation for Mental Health and the WHO, depression has moved beyond the medical domain to become a social problem. Statisti
The World Mental Health (WMH) survey initiative version of the WHO-CIDI.Kessler, RCUstun, TB
Governments need to take action with other partners to address these barriers and provide mental health services to those in need. Results – The World Health Report provides 10 recommendations for countries to begin taking action. These actions are divided into three scenarios: for countries with ...
WHO World Mental Health Day 2019 is on the topic of suicide prevention. It coincides with Mental Health Week in Australia.
The WHO World Mental Health Report 2022: a new standard of care is emerging. Mol Psychiatry 28, 4–5 (2023). Download citation Received26 June 2022 Revised06 September 2022 Accepted09 September 2022 Published19 September 2022 Issue DateJanuary 2023...
First celebrated in 1950, World Health Day seeks, asWHOexplains, “to raise global awareness of a specific health theme to highlight a priority area of concern” for the organization. Past themes have focused on mental health, motherhood, blood pressure, aging, and climate change. World Health...
most studies focus on single childhood adversities predicting single disorders.AimsTo examine joint associations of 12 childhood adversities with first onset of 20 DSM–IV disorders in World Mental Health (WMH) Surveys in 21 countries.MethodNationally or regionally representative surveys of 51 945 adults...
The World Health Organization has defined health since 1948 as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (World Health Organization, 2020; p. 1). Thus, subjective well-being is an important dimension of perceived quality ...
Mental Disorders Around the World (Facts and Figures from the World Mental Health Surveys) || Agoraphobia This book chapter details the data quality-control standards set by the World Mental Health Data Collection Coordination Centre and the ways in which these... KM Scott,P De Jonge,DJ Stein...