With a past as storied as Europe’s, it’s impossible not to take in some history while on your trip. Find out more about UNESCO World Heritage Site in the European territory.
UNESCO World Heritage sites are witnesses to the history of earth and mankind. They tell the story of the country’s formation and are part of the Swiss identity. Each one of these places stands for authenticity, quality and diversity across generations.
世界遗产(World Heritage)是由联合国教科文组织管理,世界遗产委员会决议通过的地标或区域。当地时间7月27日,在印度新德里召开的联合国教科文组织第46届世界遗产大会通过决议,将“北京中轴线——中国理想都城秩序的杰作”列入《世界遗产名录...
“unesco world heritage site”翻译成中文是“联合国教科文组织世界遗产地”。它指的是被联合国教科文组织确认的人类罕见的、目前无法替代的财富,是全人类公认的具有突出意义和普遍价值的文物古迹及自然景观。
UNESCO World Heritage sites are witnesses to the history of earth and mankind. They tell the story of the country’s formation and are part of the Swiss identity. Each one of these places stands for authenticity, quality and diversity across generations.
a world heritage site,即世界遗产地,是指被联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)认定为具有突出普遍价值的文化或自然遗产的地
From breathtaking deserts to ancient cultural treasures, these newly-minted UNESCO sites will inspire your next great adventure. The UNESCO World Heritage Committee has revealed its latest list ofWorld Heritage-listed sitesfor 2024. Spanning continents and centuries, these 24 sites reflect humanity’s ...
Nyungwe National Park Becomes UNESCO World Heritage Site 纽恩威国家公园已被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录,很荣幸地成为卢旺达第一个获得联合国机构世界遗产名录的遗址。 Nyungwe National Park has been inscribed on United Nations Educatio...
There are a total of 1,223 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world (as of 2024: 952 Cultural, 231 Natural, and 40 Mixed) in 168 countries. Here are the top 20 countries having the most UNESCO World Heritage sites. What is a UNESCO World Heritage Site? A UNESCO World Heritage Site ...
Newgrange and Knowth, both designated as UNESCO World Heritage sites, stand as testament to the ingenuity of our ancestors. Dating back over 5,000 years, these Neolithic passage tombs are older than Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids of Giza. Step inside the chambers of Newgrange, where the win...