world hearing day世界听力日(World Hearing Day)是每年的3月3日,由世界卫生组织设立,旨在提高全球公众对听力健康问题的认识,推动耳部和听力保健服务的普及,以及消除社会对听障人群的误解和污名化。 一、世界听力日的基本信息 世界听力日,也被称为国际爱耳日,自2013年起由世界卫生组织...
World Hearing Day, which falls on Sunday 3 March 2024, is a globally recognised annual event. Organised by the World Health Organization (WHO), it aims to raise awareness about hearing loss and promote ear and hearing care worldwide. The theme for this year is ...
March 3 marks World Hearing Day 2023 . This year’s theme is "Ear and hearing care for all", which highlights the importance of making hearing care accessible to everyone, regardless of where they live or their socioeconomic status. Our team lists the key reasons behind the increased prevale...
World Hearing Day on March 3 every year is observed to raise public awareness about how to avoid deafness and hearing impairment, as well as to support ear and hearing care around the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) chooses the theme each year. WHO seeks to demonstrate the need ...
World Hearing Day Watch New Beethoven Music Video Released To Mark World Hearing Day Released to mark World Hearing Day the new music video features deaf dancer Kassandra Wedel’s interpretation of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony.
Every year, the World Health Organization celebrates this day to raise awareness about hearing loss and prevention.
ReSound is celebrating World Hearing Day on 3 March, because we believe that everyone deserves great hearing. Join the celebration and showcase how the ReSound portfolio can help all your clients..
Celebrating World Hearing DayDEAFNESSSPECIAL daysHEALTH promotionWORLD Health OrganizationPUBLIC healthdoi:10.4103/kleuhsj.kleuhsj_240_23Sahoo, Soumick RanjanIndian Journal of Health Sciences & Biomedical Research KLEU
The World Health Organization aims to address this through evidence-based advocacy along with technical support to countries in provision of hearing care. As part of its activities, WHO is promoting the World Hearing Day which is observed on 3rd March every year. The day is marked by an ...
World hearing dayDid you know some 17,000 people in the UK suffer deafness, ringing in the ears or other ear conditions caused by excessive noise at workRelated services Occupational health Strategies, services and advice to help keep your employees healthy and your workspaces safe. Occupational...