近日,世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)在其官网宣布了2025世界听力日主题为“Changing mindsets: Empower yourself to make ear and hearing care a reality for all!”中文直译为:改变心态:赋予自己权力,让所有人的耳朵和听力保健成为现实! https://www.who.int/campaigns/world-hearing-day/2025 (二维...
Tedros, WHO Director- General.The report, launched ahead of World Hearing Day on 3 March, stresses the need to rapidly step up efforts to prevent and solve hearing loss by investing (投资) and expanding access to ear and hearing care services. Investment in ear and hearing care has been sh...
The report, launched ahead of World Hearing Day on 3 March, underlines the need to rapidly step up efforts to prevent and address hearing loss by investing and expanding access to ear and hearing care services. Investment in ear and hearing care has been shown to be cost-effective: WHO calc...
Nearly 2.5 billion people worldwide ─ or 1 in 4 people ─ will be living with some degree of hearing loss by 2050, warns the World Health Organization's (WHO) first World Report on Hearing. The WHO announced the launch of the report on its website. At least 700 million of these peop...
The article focuses on a report released by the World Health Organization (WHO) for International Ear Care Day which reveals that more than 360 million people in the world are suffering from disabling hearing loss. It offers the views of doctor Shelly Chadh from WHO on the shortage of ...
Beth Ann: You shouldn't be on your feet all day when you're expecting, but don't worry. There are plenty of ways a girl in your condition can make a living.待产的女人不该做整天站着的工作,不过别担心,像你这样情况的女孩还是有很多方法谋生的。on one's feet:(某人)长时间站着朗文英语释义...
Through the use of technology, teachers and children around the world can meet online to share lessons and discuss ideas. Remote schooling (远程教学) is one example of the success of communication through the Internet. ③The first books a child reads can have a great influence on that child....
His mother, broadcaster Brenda Edwards, said Monday that her son died the day before after a sudden illness. She said the family was “completely devastated. He was the center of our world.” Edwards founded the online music channel SBTV as a teenager in 2006. Frustrated that he...
Sign language is, of course, also used in everyday settings as a primary form of communication among people who are hearing impaired, their families, and their friends. Indeed, wherever there are communities of hearing-impaired people, indigenous and localized forms of sign language appear as a...