But as humans kept digging up carbon out of the ground and burning it for fuel, CO2 levels sped faster and faster toward that target. In May 2013, at the time of the usual annual maximum of CO2, the air briefly tipped over the 400 ppm mark for the first time in several million years...
快速增长的大气 403.3ppm 。根据最新高分辨率的冰芯重建,有可能 CO2及其它温室气体(GHG)水平有可能引发气候系 观测到CO2 的变化速度从未像过去150年那样快, 统不可预测的变化,由于强烈的正反馈,导致严重 且CO2 的自然冰期变化总是先于相应的温度变化。 的生态和经济破坏。WMO全球大气监视网(GAW) 地质记录表明,...
Individual winners and the Cup winning Team of the 2017 World Photographic Cup (WPC) were announced on February 23rd at the WPC 2017 PHOTO SHOW in Japan (Yokohama, Grand Intercontinental Hotel) organized in cooperation with the PPJ, Professional Photographers of Japan Association.Here are the top...
Fernández-Martínez等人[325]进一步发现在1995~2014年间, 大气CO2浓度升高使全球陆地NEP增加3.1~8.1 Pg C/100 ppm. 最近的一项研究认为, 1982~2015年间CO2施肥效应对全球大部分陆地生态系统总初级生产力(gross primary productivity, GPP)的促进作用呈下降趋势, 意味着陆地碳汇对气候系统的负反馈效应正在...
In any rational world, this Report would have to have dashed any remaining dreams of climate campaigners that overall world CO2 emissions would see anything but large ongoing increases for the foreseeable future. The climate-obsessed jurisdictions in the U.S. and Europe already represent only...
(2019) revealed that elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations increased global terrestrial NEP by 3.1–8.1 Pg C/100 ppm during 1995–2014. In contrast, a recent study suggested that the effect of CO2 fertilization on gross primary productivity (GPP) decreased in most terrestrial ecosystems ...
In almost all of the world’s cities, these assumptions are completely unrealistic. They were unrealistic before the Covid disruptions; they are even more so now. Given this, it is worth asking a question rarely asked: are our local institutions actually up to the job of managing a rapid,...
World leaders seem to have their minds made up regarding what will fix world CO2 emissions problems. Their list includes taxes on gasoline consumption, more general carbon taxes, cap and trade programs, increased efficiency in automobiles, greater focus
Unicode support Designed to be simple but powerful More information about IrfanView I would like to sincerely thank all you faithful IrfanView users who send me messages of good wishes, congratulations and appreciation. THANKS ! Irfan Skiljan.About the Author ...
Global warming is accelerating – the facts • Since the Industrial Revolution, which introduced machinery powered by coal and gas, atmospheric CO2 concentration has increased by about 40%, to above 400 parts per million (ppm).11 Current CO2 levels are 100 ppm higher than at any time in ...