Thanks to my Board of Directors, who have continued to give me guidance and direction for my ministry: Rob Land, Martin Eady, Sara Anthony, David Coleman, David Duell, Patrick Russell-Mott, Tina May, Jane Christian and Luke Dobson. To my mentors: George Verwer, Steven Hembery, Gwyn Jordan...
(How the Bible Stops Church Splits!) 2019 - 07 - 13 PM 被揭穿的假基督徒! (The False Christian Discovered!) 2019 - 07 - 07 AM 應對撒但詭計的方法 (The Answer to Satan's Devices) 2019 - 06 - 30 PM 位於聖蓋博谷的新教會 (The New Church in the San Gabriel Valley) 2019 - 06 -...
Stephen was a young man, appointed a deacon in the early church. He appears only in Acts 6 and 7, but in those few pages, he makes a remarkable impression and impact. He is the first Christian martyr – stoned to death because he challenged the Jew people’s lack of faith in Jesus ...
Those conspiracies are the threads of Satan's perverse historical tapestry. God's people are the Christian Church. The mission of that Church is to manifest the kingdom of God on earth. Satan also has a people. Just as God used the ancient Hebrews to give the world the true Messiah, so...
Well, you have to remember all lawmaking power was given to Congress, not to the judiciary and the Founders were afraid of what is happening now the Court making law. 3. They have an abysmal human rights history! For every Brown vs. the Board of Education which upheld human dignity, ...
Domestically, Dudley supported the Puritan movement while trying to mediate between the Puritans and the Church of England. He was also a major supporter of Francis Drake and other explorers, and was in overall command of the English ground forces during the conflict with the Spanish Armada. ...
And Jesus answered the Pharisees (the leaders of the organized Church of His day): "When it is evening, you say, 'It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, 'It will be foul weather today; for the sky is red and threatening. "O ye hypocrites, you can di...
However, it could be interpreted within the Medieval doctrine of Dominum mundi in the matter of freedom for the Church from interference by the Crown. Undoubtedly that was the bait. Throughout the duration of the HRE, there was political and ecclesial tension within the Medieval doctrine of ...
10/29/2024 – For these Times: “Masque of The Red Death” by Edgar Allan Poe 10/28/2024 – For These Times: James Felix McKenney’s SATAN HATES YOU streaming now if you dare 10/27/2024 – Now at Two Boots through Halloween: DEPRAVED Pizza 10/25/2024 – Hey London! Ilya Chaiken...
even the Birkenstock wearing tree huggers are red in their hearts. Big church ministries move to Colorado from California and even more to Texas. But Colorado had an earthquake and Texas has a drought. North Carolina and Virginia have been fighting fires in the Great Dismal Swamp that won’t...