We are journeying through Stewardship Month, when we reflect on what God has entrusted to us and how we give back to God from what he has blessed us. Two weeks ago, we focused on the Old Testament principle of tithing (10%) and not withholding from God what is God’s (Leviticus 27...
they subtly came, they used subtlety. The serpent was more subtle than any creature. That is always the method of Satan. He never makes a frontal attack. He always comes in the side door, even the back door. The enemy today, Satan, does not attack the word of God. Satan is ...
But when we Christians reject it, we will have to drop out of system and flee and suffer for three and a half years until the return of Christ when HE finishes Satan’s System. Does YOUR church talk about 666??? Posted on January 12, 2018 by Paradise PostPosted in 666 Mark, Bible ...
But the IRS also recognizes Scientology and Reason Alliance Ltd which sponsors the After School Satan program.
So ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has bound – think of it – for eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath?” His reply put “all His adversaries to shame; and the multitude rejoiced.” [Luke 13:10-17] Clearly, we are reminded during...
Here are links to a two-part sermon series: What are Some of the Parts of Satan's Plan? and Satan's Plan is More Dramatic than Many Realize. Do Certain Greco-Roman Catholic Prophecies About Antichrist Warn Against Jesus and the Church of God? Will the final "Anti-Christ" be Jewish, ...
Women's Bible Studyis looking at the Book of Revelation. God's revelation to John encourages Christians at every age. Key thoughts concerning John's vivid prophecy include: the ultimate defeat of Satan and all the forces of evil, the confident hope believers have in their reigning Savior, and...
He implies that they are hated unjustly. He suggests this is just carry over of Satan’s hatred for God. Although this is true, it is misleading. What about the natural consequences of a people rebelling against God (sin)? MacArthur spends time explaining “the natural consequences” but avo...
Hello, my name is William. First off I really want to provide big praise and thanks… for [the] dedicated work in addressing the crisis of this age. Anyone of good will must concede that the Vatican II sect is a pagan temple of Satan which has an almost infinite amount of heresies and...
What Would Satan Do? What else but gather together his ministers of righteousness for a time of instruction. Authority in "Church Government" Another "point of view" that we rarely hear about, yet ought to receive our "Berean" consideration. Dressing Up For Church "Would you dress that way...