Thisoo words worksheetis so fun it won’t feel like a worksheet at all! Digraphsare two letters that make one sound. A vowel digraph is made up of two vowels (a, e, i, o, u). The digraph “oo” can make two sounds:ooas inmoonandooas inbook. I began by writingooon a post-...
Word Family Unit: -aw Words This unit is centered on words that end with -aw. Try out the reading slider, flashcards, and other worksheets. Includes: jaw, claw, law, straw, saw, raw, draw, and paw. Word Family Unit: -ay Words ...
Incorrect: The threefamilysgathered on New Year’s Eve. Correct: The threefamiliesgathered on New Year’s Eve. Somewords are spellingrule breakers. The letter Y remains despite the suffix starting with E. Examples: Pray – prayer Play – player ...
Long a Words Worksheet To use, simply print and grab some Do-A-Dot markers. Depending on the level of your student, you can read the word for them or have the child read it. When you get to the blank, a long sound should be made. ...
They let your child spell the word using the letters ai or ay. Once they have spelled it, have them read it by running their finger under each letter and saying that sound. Remember to focus on correctly making the “long a” sound. When you move into reading the words independently, ...
They let your child spell the word using the letters ai or ay. Once they have spelled it, have them read it by running their finger under each letter and saying that sound. Remember to focus on correctly making the “long a” sound. When you move into reading the words independently, ...