Just as we dedicate different bowls for different purposes, the bowls used to feed the dogs won’t be used to feed the kids.When something is blessed – all we do is mark it for special use, for a supernatural purpose.That’s why the priests are anointed and set apart to do God’s...
However, I’ll let you know that this cut-and-sort page is never optional for my kiddo because it’s so important that kids can hear the different sounds in words. This time my Six had to listen for the long a sound. If it was at the end of a word, he glued the picture in th...
“Ai appears in the middle of the word, as in rain or train. I also included short a words because it’s important for kids to have to distinguish between short and long vowel words. This game is played like the traditional card game “War.” Simply print the cards on carstock and ...
Itdoes point out that many parents still limit electronicreading, mainly due to concerns about increased screentime.The most hopeful data shared in the report showsclear evidence of parents serving as examples andimportant guides for their kids when it comes to reading.Data shows that kids and ...
Theater kids get a cookie. They walk past more art and up the staircase and to another room and I don’t understand how this isn’t a tour. They ascend the great staircase […] Wait, I have to interrupt to tell you all that any time I, personally, use “great” to mean “large...
documents4j - API for document format conversion using third-party converters such as MS Word. docx4j - Create and manipulate Microsoft Open XML files. fastexcel - High performance library to read and write large Excel (XLSX) worksheets. zerocell - Annotation-based API for reading data from Exc...
Another Psalm that reminds us of this is "Psalm 139" – God knows when we sit down, rise up, come in, go out, He knows our times of activity and rest, even before a word is on our lips He already knows it. When it was time for the Israelites to go and worship the Lord and ...