Healthcare workers are at particular risk for experiencing violence from their patients, though these incidents often go unreported. Experiencing violence in the workplace has been associated with numerous negative outcomes, including absenteeism, burnout and diminished quality of care. However, little ...
Workplace violence and safety CE course for nursing and other healthcare providers; includes dealing with bullying and harassment. Instant certificate of completion.
Workplace violence, a dangerous and complex occupational hazard in the modern health care work environment, presents challenges for nurses, other health care employees, management, labor unions, and regulators. Violence from patients, visitors, and coworkers is often tolerated and explained as part of...
Over the course of their working life, few nurses escape this violence, and many are vulnerable to harm or injury stemming from exposure. 1 Though a growing body of research has drawn attention to the many forms of violence and aggression experienced by nurses, there is little empirical evidenc...
Workplace violence includes direct physical assaults (with or without weapons), written or verbal threats, physical or verbal harassment, and homicide. Incivility, bullying, and workplace violence result in decreased job satisfaction, reduced organizational commitment, and decreased personal health, as ...
Workplace violence (WPV) is a distinguished global occupational hazard that faces workers in the health care system, whether from the patients or their relatives, or even from other physicians and co-worker [12, 13]. The International Labour Organization defines WPV as “a range of unacceptable...
Health care facilities were once thought of as "safe havens", but are now plagued with significant increases in aggression among patients, visitors, and staff. Healthcare workers suffer from a tolerance of workplace violence and the perception that their profession implies the acceptance of that ...
Results: Almost two-thirds of respondents (64.9%) reported exposure to at least one type of violence in the previous 12 months: physical-11.3%, verbal-59.8% and sexual-11.3%. The perpetrators of all three types of violence were mostly the relatives of patients: physical-45.5%, verbal-29.3...
To explore the potential components of hospital workplace violence (HWPV) from the perspectives of hospital administrators and patients, and put forward corresponding strategies for its prevention and control. Using convenience sampling methods, 116 hospitals in 14 provinces of China were surveyed using...
The closer a survivor is to deciding to leave an abusive partner the more likely they are to seek support from their workplace (Tiesman et al., 2012). Given that separation is a time when DV is likely to escalate (Ontario Domestic Violence Death Review Committee (DVDRC), 2005, Ontario ...