ListofAbbreviationsandAcronyms...5 AIOHPositiononAdjustmentofWorkplaceExposureStandardsforExtendedWorkShifts...6 Summary...
Abbreviations AMA: American Medical Association CONSORT: Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials CR: Cognitive Rehearsal HR: Human Resources HSE: Health Service Executive NCHD: Non-Consultant Hospital Doctor NDTP: National Doctors Training and Planning NHS: National Health Service QR: ...
Abbreviations CI: Confidence interval PR: Prevalence ratio AMEs: Average marginal effects Ref: Reference category OHS: Occupational health and safety INAIL: Italian National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work References Quattrone P, Hopper T. What does organizational change mean?
Abbreviations AMA: American Medical Association CONSORT: Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials CR: Cognitive Rehearsal HR: Human Resources HSE: Health Service Executive NCHD: Non-Consultant Hospital Doctor NDTP: National Doctors Training and Planning NHS: National Health Service QR: ...
Abbreviations AM: Agile manufacturing ANN: Artificial neural network BWM: Best–worst method DM: Decision makers FGT: Focus group techniques GDP: Gross domestic product HFE: Human factors and ergonomics I4T: Industry 4.0 technology ICHs: Intra circle hubs JIT: Just in time LM: ...
were pilot tested using cognitive debriefings on a small sample of nationally registered EMS professionals. The year 2000 was the only year when workplace violence was the topic of investigation and subsequent years have focused on other issues relevant to EMS education or health and safety. ...
Abbreviations: CHPP—company health promotion program; PSIW—psychotherapeutic consultation in the workplace. 3.1. Implementation (A1 and A2) Implementation comprises the steps that should be performed in preparation for the process from an interviewee’s perspective and which, from an organizational ...
For clarity, the tables show the abbreviations of the BERT model names. With ‘IT’ we denoted the BERT models in the Italian language; with ‘UNC’ the uncased models; with ‘CAS’ the cased models; with ‘MULTI’ the multilingual models; with ‘MLM’ the model with extended pretrain; ...
Examples of CSR awards and benchmarks referenced in the sampled company reports 61 References 62 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR WOMEN IN THE WORKPLACE 3 Abbreviations ACTU ASX BiTC BRC CEO CRE CSR CSD D&I DTI ECRA EEOC EOC EOWA EIRIS GRI KPI NGO ON S&P SRI Australian Council of Trade Unions ...
Abbreviations ICU: Intensive care unit PROMIS-PI: Patient reported outcomes measurement information – pain interference PSC: Psychosocial safety climate WPI: Widespread pain index WPV: Workplace violence References Vijendren A, Yung M, Sanchez J, Duffield K. Occupational musculoskeletal pain ...