Abbreviations AMA: American Medical Association CONSORT: Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials CR: Cognitive Rehearsal HR: Human Resources HSE: Health Service Executive NCHD: Non-Consultant Hospital Doctor NDTP: National Doctors Training and Planning NHS: National Health Service QR: ...
Thus, strengthening one's professional identity or collegial relationships requires further attention to workplace communication. AbbreviationsPiST: Physician in specialization training 展开 关键词: Continuing medical education learning through service social support workplace interaction workplace relationships ...
Abbreviations AMA: American Medical Association CONSORT: Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials CR: Cognitive Rehearsal HR: Human Resources HSE: Health Service Executive NCHD: Non-Consultant Hospital Doctor NDTP: National Doctors Training and Planning NHS: National Health Service QR: ...
Works with Mac®, Windows®, Chrome™, iPhone®, and iPad®. The Info You Need At Your Fingertips Find the information you need and keep your communications consistent with powerful abbreviations that streamline and speed up everything you type. ...
Abbreviations CADTH: Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health CINAHL: Cumulated Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature ERIC: Education Resources Information Center Index GRIPP: Guidance for Reporting Involvement of Patients and the Public ...
Thus, strengthening one's professional identity or collegial relationships requires further attention to workplace communication. AbbreviationsPiST: Physician in specialization trainingdoi:10.1080/10872981.2018.1435114Mikkola, LeenaSuutala, ElinaParviainen, Heli...
Abbreviations PHCC: Primary health care centre References Wieclaw J, Agerbo E, Mortensen PB, Bonde JP. Risk of affective and stress related disorders among employees in human service professions. Occup Environ Med. 2006;63(5):314–9. Article CAS Google Scholar García-Rodríguez A, Gutiérrez...
Abbreviations: BDI-II, Beck Depression Inventory II; PCS, Pain Catastrophizing Scale; SF-36, Short Form-36, min, minimum; max, maximum. Through regression analysis, it was found that self-report pain, physically assessed injury severity, and measured ergo- nomic risk of workstation with an ...
Abbreviations HITAM: Health information technology acceptance model HBM: Health belief model SCT: Social cognitive theory SDT: Self-determination theory TAM: Technology acceptance model TPB: Theory of planned behavior TTM: Transtheoretical model UTAUT: Unified theory of acceptance and use of ...
Abbreviations AM: Agile manufacturing ANN: Artificial neural network BWM: Best–worst method DM: Decision makers FGT: Focus group techniques GDP: Gross domestic product HFE: Human factors and ergonomics I4T: Industry 4.0 technology ICHs: Intra circle hubs JIT: Just in time LM: ...