同时运动模式下,可以设置紧急电话,亲人或者重要同事才通知。 同时开两个或多个训练软件:可以一边开着Apple Watch的体能训练,一边又开着WorkoutDoors同时进行运动,并同时收集运动信息。 电量测试:在充满电100%的情况下,出门跑步两个半小时耗电11%,如此推算在满电情况下,开着运动模式进行户外跑步,能够持续20个小时或者...
展示Apple Watch Ultra和应用程序Workoutdoors一起工作,在Komoot、Outdooractiv或其他创建GPX文件的程序中计划线路,如何转移路线,使用离线地图(即在没有iPhone或LTE的情况下跑步)#运动手表 - 斜杠/葡萄🍇于20221208发布在抖音,已经收获了1.6万个喜欢,来抖音,记录
要多说一句就是WorkOutDoors不一定只有Apple Watch Ultra才能使用,普通的S系列也可以。只不过Apple Watch Ultra更大的屏幕和更大的电池非常适合户外徒步。 另外对担心手表电池电量的朋友汇报,在使用WorkOutDoors时不它会自动开启手表的低电量模式防止过度耗电,因此在不抬腕的时候屏幕是不会点亮的。只有抬腕查看路线时才会...
2回复贴,共1页 <<返回applewatch吧求助workoutdoors这个软件用着怎么样 只看楼主 收藏 回复 love猫猫_1987 S6 12 平时就跑个步,这个软件脱离手机,手表单独使用起来怎么样呢,有用过的大神吗,我知道这个软件目前没中文版,这个无所谓,只想知道跑步用起来如何? 点击展开,查看完整图片 熙仔59 S5 11 跑步没...
WorkOutDoors 是 Apple Watch 上唯一一款可在您锻炼时显示详细矢量图的锻炼应用程序。它也是最可配置的锻炼应用程序,具有 300 多个实时指标、图表和按钮,可以显示在许多不同的屏幕布局中。它非常适合跑 | WorkOutDoors怎么样,是否值得买 | Mergeek.com
WorkOutDoors is the most advanced and most configurable workout app for the Apple Watch. It's perfect for running, cycling, hiking and any other indoor or outd…
Hi @cfc Thanks so much for making the best app for the apple watch. I just got an ultra and emailed you about getting access to the Beta. One question I had was on the extended battery life feature for workouts (similar to what was released in WatchOS 9.1) -- Is extended battery lif...
Without WOD, Apple Watch Ultra could not have replaced my previous Garmin Fenix 6. There are couple of key feature gaps - or maybe I have not just found out the features: 1) Elevation graph that shows both the history and upcoming elevation changes on the planned route (this is the most...
Send us your comments and feedback about Apple Watch. www.apple.com Not a big chance that Apple will do something, but let's try. Click to expand... This is a great idea. I think you are right that Apple won't do anything, but it is worth a try. Reactions: NME42 N ...