If you own an Apple Watch and do any form of exercise, then WorkOutDoors is the app for you. Give it a go! more What’s New Version History Version 5.5 Support for the latest Apple technology.Ratings and Reviews See All 4.6 out of 5 153 Ratings 望月大番茄 , 18/02/2023 请...
Supports the latest Apple Watches! WorkOutDoors is the most advanced and most configurable workout app for the Apple Watch. It's perfect for running, cycling, hiking and any other indoor or outdoor activity. Note: WorkOutDoors requires an Apple Watch Series 3 or later. It is not necessary ...
WorkOutDoors 是 Apple Watch 上唯一一款可在您锻炼时显示详细矢量图的锻炼应用程序。它也是最可配置的锻炼应用程序,具有 300 多个实时指标、图表和按钮,可以显示在许多不同的屏幕布局中。它非常适合跑 | WorkOutDoors怎么样,是否值得买 | Mergeek.com
展示Apple Watch Ultra和应用程序Workoutdoors一起工作,在Komoot、Outdooractiv或其他创建GPX文件的程序中计划线路,如何转移路线,使用离线地图(即在没有iPhone或LTE的情况下跑步)#运动手表 - 斜杠/葡萄🍇于20221208发布在抖音,已经收获了1.6万个喜欢,来抖音,记录
这个APP就类似于苹果Apple Watch Ultra自带的"体能训练"功能。相比体能训练,以下是这段时间我使用这个软件的心得。如下: 1. 英语门槛:这个软件有门槛,需要对用户有一点英文基础,当然如果没有基础也可以查询。 2. 付费40元:这个软件需要付费40元,就可以终身免费使用了。
If you own an Apple Watch and do any form of exercise, then WorkOutDoors is the app for you. Give it a go! 更多 新内容 版本记录 版本5.5 Support for the latest Apple technology.评分及评论 查看全部 4.6(满分 5 分) 154 个评分 望月大番茄 , 2023/02/18 请作者能考虑加入中文支持 ...
2回复贴,共1页 <<返回applewatch吧求助workoutdoors这个软件用着怎么样 只看楼主 收藏 回复 love猫猫_1987 S6 12 平时就跑个步,这个软件脱离手机,手表单独使用起来怎么样呢,有用过的大神吗,我知道这个软件目前没中文版,这个无所谓,只想知道跑步用起来如何? 点击展开,查看完整图片 熙仔59 S5 11 跑步没...
其中AllTrails的定位和国内驴友常用的两步路、六只脚等工具比较类似,它的优势更多的是海外徒步线路的丰富资源以及漂亮的界面和简单的使用体验。而WorkOutDoors更适合Apple Watch用户作为户外导航工具使用,使用手表导航相比手机来说也更加符合直觉和方便。 另外麦理浩径二段全程有无台阶碎石山坡、有沙滩、有村庄穿越还有海岸...
The distances come from Apple's health system by default. When they are incorrect then it usually means that the watch needs calibrating as described here: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204516. When they are as different as you are seeing then it usually means that you have done so...
If you find that the GPS distance looks more accurate then it is worth calibrating the watch as described here: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204516 If the calibrated distances really don’t work for you then you can switch to the GPS distances. To do that press the watch screen ...