另一款WorkOutDoors则是功能非常强大的运动记录app,并且支持Apple Watch手表端的徒步轨迹导航和轨迹记录。 所以这次我的方案是两款App同时使用。其中AllTrails主要用来看路线评价和Tips、手机端轨迹记录以及离线地图导出,WorkOutDoors主要用来在路上使用Apple Watch Ultra进行离线导航和数据记录使用。 一、准备工作轨迹导入 轨...
Hi @cfc Thanks so much for making the best app for the apple watch. I just got an ultra and emailed you about getting access to the Beta. One question I had was on the extended battery life feature for workouts (similar to what was released in WatchOS 9.1) -- Is extended battery lif...