故设空处应起到承上 启下的作用 选项分析,初步圈定答案:E项中的 " working effectively with people from different cultures"是空前句中“ Working 第② effectively with different cultures" 义表达,且该项中的“several steps”对 应下文中提到的四个技巧。 故将答案初 步锁定在E项 验证最终答案:在不同的...
It's also important that you communicate effectively with everyone affected by your cross-functional team, including your people's day-to-day managers – stakeholder analysis will help you to identify who these key people are. Tip: You may find that having a Steering Group is helpful. This gi...
Working effectively with those of various culturesDebbie SalasLopezFACP
(3) 最灾难的是Chapter 25 - Dependency-Breaking Techniques。一共 24 个重构/测试小技巧,我今天才发现作者是按小技巧名字的首字母排序的!然后这些小技巧的名字还是作者自己起的,所以这个顺序本质上是随机的。大哥你好歹分一下类吧?有的技巧是修改测试目标类、有的是修改 dependency,大部分是 object seam 的范畴...
For one thing, not only does it help to build up our health, but it also helps us learn more effectively in turn. 一方面,它不仅有助于强身健体,转而帮助我们更有效地学习。 1. given that 引导原因状语从句 (教材原句)Given that Yuan's hybrids made him quite wealthy, one might think he wo...
Scheduling regular daily calls with your team, such as first thing in the morning, allows you to sync up on priorities for the day and resolve any items needing urgent attention, says Rebecca Cafiero, a business and branding strategist and host of the Becoming You podcast. “Establishing c...
More people than ever are now choosing to work from home for at least part of the working week, but 42% of office employees3say they lack the equipment and technology they need to do their job effectively from their home office. As well as this, 52% are worried that the communication ...
Pseudocode is a powerful tool for programmers. It offers a simplified way to design, communicate and debug algorithms. For seasoned developers, pseudocode can help with the design of complex algorithms and systems. It enables developers to express their ideas clearly,collaborate effectivelywith their ...
Working Effectively with Legacy Code的创作者 ··· Michael Feathers 作者 作者简介 ··· MICHAEL C. FEATHERS works for Object Mentor, Inc., one of the world's top providers of mentoring, skill development, knowledge transfer, and leadership services in software development. He currently prov...
Hybrid working offers organizations a number of benefits, such as reduced property costs, the ability to attract global and diverse talent, and increased productivity. Employees in hybrid teams can enjoy a better work-life balance, without missing out on face-to-face interactions with co-workers ...