Earn money and get some overseas work experience while you travel in New Zealand with a Working Holiday Visa. If you like the idea of earning a bit of cash while you see the sights around New Zealand, then a Working Holiday Visa could be right for you.If you meet certain criteria, ...
Work out the best visa for you.If you’re 18 – 30/35, then chances are the designated working holiday visa fits the bill. This visa allows you to travel the whole of New Zealand while finding work along the way. It also covers things like internships and volunteering, orWWOOFing! Kno...
Can I apply for the Working Holiday Visa if I’m already in New Zealand? Yes you can, but you’ll need a New Zealand postal address. You may also be asked to supply a police certificate and undertake a chest x-ray and medical examination. Applying while you’re already in the country...
To work legally in New Zealand you need a valid work visa. Working as a tourist is illegal. My partner and I held Working Holiday Visas for our 12-month stay. This visa is fantastic if you only plan to be in New Zealand temporarily, although, there are limitations. Firstly, you need ...
Why to Take a Working Holiday in New Zealand New Zealand is a great place to live and work for a while. A friendly, laid-back culture, it’s easy to feel right at home after just a few months in the little country. New Zealand is also small and easy to get around, so you can ...
打工假期(working-holiday)PPT课件 - 1 HowWhy InNewZealand content AdmissionRequirementsWhat - 2 What - 3 TravelWork WorkingHoliday - 4 Workingholiday,asthenamesuggests,travelaswork.Peopletraveltoaforeigncountryoradifferentplace,toearnthevariouscoststheyneedduringtheirjourneysbyworking.- 5 WHV •Itallows...
Directions: You are planning on a working holiday in New Zealand. Read the following job ad and write an email of inquiry to express your interest, request more information and assure them that you, a backpacker from China, is qualified for the job. You should write at least 120 words but...
You can apply for the New Zealand Working Holiday Visa if: Must be between 18 and 30 years of age (or 18 to 35 where applicable) Hold a passport from an eligible country You must be of good health, and good character (no criminal convictions) ...
持新西兰whv签证有效期为12个月,可以续签3个月,之后也可以转工签或留学签。唯一的限制就是whv打工有规定只能给同一个雇主打工3个月,而且有些工作不接受whv签证 移民局官网:http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/work/workingholiday/chinawhs.htm whv拒签率很低很低,不像美签啥的签证...
Working holiday schemes have become a popular way among Chinese youth to support their travel by undertaking temporary employment in host countries. Nowadays, young Chinese can participate in the scheme in two countries: New Zealand and Australia. Under this circumstance, this research sets out to ...