Taiwanese aged between 18-30 years can apply for a 12 month working holiday visa for New Zealand. There are 600 places available each year. For more information please visitNew Zealand Immigration. 年齡介於18-30歲的紐西蘭人可以申請前往臺灣的12個月打工度假簽證。
If you’re between 18 and 30 (or 35 for certain countries), and are from one of the countries listed below, you could be eligible for New Zealand's Working Holiday Scheme visa.
The Working Holiday Scheme New Zealand has agreements with many countries around the world that allow young people to visit here and work while they travel. A Working Holiday Visa(opens in new window) is valid for much longer than a Visitor Visa and also allows for study. Applying for a...
Working holiday schemes have become a popular way among Chinese youth to support their travel by undertaking temporary employment in host countries. Nowadays, young Chinese can participate in the scheme in two countries: New Zealand and Australia. Under this circumstance, this research sets out to ...
新西兰打工度假计划(China Working Holiday Scheme) 新西兰打工度假计划,又称打工游学计划,顾名思义就是前往新西兰边打工、边旅游或边学习。在西方国家,许多大学生在毕业后工作之前,通常会选择花一年的时间做一次长途旅行,去其它国家体验不同背景的生活,在旅行的同时会做一些专业相关的工作,以便将来能够更好的融入社会,...
目前寰球上绝大多数的发达国家都提供有打工度假签证(Working Holiday Visa),让其它国家的青年有机会进入本国边打工边旅游,体验民俗风情、促进文化交流。不过中国的护照通行度比较低,所以截止目前在所有的发达国家中,仅仅只有新西兰在与中国政府签定《中新自由贸易协定》后,向中国开放了这类签证,由此新西兰是首要个也是寰...
You can also experience some great adventures and 工作假期签证为新西兰与中华人民共和国签署的自 meet friendly people throughout New Zealand. 由贸易协定的一部分。 The Working Holiday Scheme is a result of the Free Trade Agreement between the Government of New Zealand and the People’s Republic of...
1、新西兰working holiday签证申请图文经验贴working holiday顾名思义就是一种边打工边旅行的方式。新西兰是目前唯一一个对中国人开放whv的国家,从2008年开放申请,每年1000个名额,虽然一直有传闻说澳洲也将对中国人开放whv,但是到目前为止还没有开放。持新西兰whv签证有效期为12个月,可以续签3个月,之后也可以转工签...
It is important to check the NZ immigration site, and the relevant nationality working holiday visa scheme to see if applications are still open or if any caps are exhausted or if there are any further requirements that need to be met for some nationalities. ...
填完表填完名字都点确认付钱了 然后提示Scheme unavailable because: Unfortunately the available places for this Working Holiday Scheme have been filled and there is no longer a place available for you. You could check back on our website for details of when places reopen..但首页上明明显示着Places ...