例 Employers are required to carry workers’ compensationinsurance, and in most states heavy financial penalties may be imposed on an employer that does not.【参考译文】雇主需承担劳工赔偿保险,在大多数州,雇主违反这一规定的将被处以重罚。workers' compensation insurance 是指"劳工赔偿保险”,指由雇主...
McDermott, Kelly
Stress-Free Premium Audit The right workers’ comp policy makes all the difference, which is why employers spend time... more Read more 7 Steps of the Workers’ Comp Claims Process Workers’ Comp Claims Process Simplified The workers’ compensation claims process is unique for every employer...
The workers’ compensation claim process for employers Nearly all businesses with employees are required to have workers’ compensation insurance. Workers’ comp covers medical costs and loss of wages when employees are injured on the job or become ill because of their work. ...
There are three basic methods available for employers to obtain the required workers' compensation protection: state insurance funds, private insurance, and self-insurance through insurance pools. The latter option—which involves setting aside funds in anticipation of workers' compensation claims, rather...
compensationworkersguideemployerndwc雇主 AnEmployer’sGuideToWorkers’CompensationMarch2003.ndworkerscompDearPolicyholder,NorthDakotaWorkersCompensation(NDWC)isdedicatedtoprovidinganef cient,high-quality,andeasy-to-useworkers’compensationsystemforemployersandinjuredemployeesacrossNorthDakota.Asthesoleproviderofworkers’...
Employers must pay for all the healthcare you need to improve your health and to prevent it from getting worse. If you suffer permanent injury, workers’ compensation should be required to provide proper benefits for the rest of your life. ...
Workers' compensation may also include employers’ liability insurance, which covers a company if an employee sues the owner over an injury or illness. Employers’ liability covers attorney’s fees, court costs, and settlements. Learn more about insurance for contractors:9 Types of Policies Contracto...
By agreeing to receive workers’ compensation, workers give up their right to sue their employer for negligence. This concession helps protect both the workers and employers. Workers give up further recourse in exchange for guaranteed compensation, while employers consent to a degree of liability whil...
Workers' compensation Part A is legally mandated in nearly every state in the United States and is a significant expense for employers. Employers may pay more if the company has had a certain number of previousclaims, or if its employees have certain occupations that are deemed dangerous. ...