与其小心翼翼地从朝九晚五双休法定节假日里面抠时间来做自己真正想做的事情,一直熬到60+岁退休。不如『word hard,play harder』,像一头猎豹一般用尽全力获得自己想要的猎物,然后用自己舒服的节奏尽情享用。其实这也正是Tim Ferriss在《The 4-Hour Workweek》里面所推崇的mini retirement(迷你退休)的核心思想所在。
与其小心翼翼地从朝九晚五双休法定节假日里面抠时间来做自己真正想做的事情,一直熬到60+岁退休。不如『word hard,play harder』,像一头猎豹一般用尽全力获得自己想要的猎物,然后用自己舒服的节奏尽情享用。其实这也正是Tim Ferriss在《The 4-Hour Workweek》里面所推崇的mini retirement(迷你退休)的核心思想所在。
不如『word hard,play harder』,像一头猎豹一般用尽全力获得自己想要的猎物,然后用自己舒服的节奏尽情享用。其实这也正是Tim Ferriss在《The 4-Hour Workweek》里面所推崇的mini retirement(迷你退休)的核心思想所在。 其次是针对个人爱好,有计划的高质量休闲,它的重要性其实更甚于前者。 人们在做一份自己并不感兴...
不如『word hard,play harder』,像一头猎豹一般用尽全力获得自己想要的猎物,然后用自己舒服的节奏尽情享用。其实这也正是Tim Ferriss在《The 4-Hour Workweek》里面所推崇的mini retirement(迷你退休)的核心思想所在。 其次是针对个人爱好,有计划的高质量休闲,它的重要性其实更甚于前者。 人们在做一份自己并不感兴...
Work hard, play harder. Work. Work. Work. God has a plan for me. My desk is my happy place. Meeting in progress! It’s all about the grind! Living the dream! Work mode means business! Aim for the stars. Monday blues be gone! Boss b!tch in the making. 24/7 hustle mode. ...
Customer-facing positionsare hard. Some people seem to be on a mission to make them harder! 85. It’s happening! Cheezburger You have been quiet too long. There’s no turning back. 86. Expectations Cheezburger “Lower your expectations orincrease my salary, then.” ...
don’t even know enough about what they like to read to help figure out where they might start, or what to read next. While there’s excitement and urgency around the reading now, how do we carry that energy past October, the point where it feels like everything gets harder to sustain...
"I've always said, 'Work hard, but recover harder,' because many people think they become fit during a workout," Perkins says. "In truth, you become faster and stronger after the workout, during the recovery phase." Advertisement
but it’s harder than you think not to laugh. Chances are that within five minutes, everyone will be laughing their faces off. That’s exactly what good team meeting ice breaker questions do. It’s a great way to start a team meeting, and you’ll find it a more effective one because...
Even with things opening back up here in PA, we are still not going anywhere and and sometimes that’s really hard on the weekend because I am back to trying to come up with things to occupy a toddler’s time. Thank goodness for a mostly shady backyard and an inflatable pool and water...