In fact, the working out process is hard as hell and exists only for the tough persons; maybe, because of this fact, we are so in love with the sportsmen, as we see their strong characters additionally to the cool bodies. As far as the memes took a significant part of our lives and...
Bonus points if you do a little dance to try to make their Monday workday happy. Let’s face it. Work on Monday is wild. Monday Memes for Work Motivation When you think you just can’t do it, enjoy these Monday work motivation memes. We can do hard things, yes – even on Monday....
When you are dealing with a lot in your position and life, this hard time meme speaks truths. Going to Work Not all of us are still remote, there are some who have returned to the commute to the office. If you are one of those employees who had to return to the office, these funn...
这样,所谓的『Work-Life Balance』便成真的成为一个伪命题了。就像下面这个meme所诠释的内涵一样:『I didn't want a 9 to 5 job, now I work 24/7.』You know what I mean. 本文系数字游民Jarod原创,如需转载请联系作者授权。坚持原创不易,你的打赏和转发是我继续创作的最大动力。 数字游民部落致力于...
Communication Meme Work Facebook Bra Color Meme: So, Did It Work? Wild Apricot JANUARY 8, 2010 Many women (and, apparently, some men) flooded Facebook with unusual status updates over the past two days in a meme calling on “girls” to post the colors of the bras they were wearing,...
I’ll be the first to admit, parenting is hard. There are so many factors that go into growing a proper human being. I’ve had more mom-fails than I can count. Finding a balance for the things that are important can be quite challenging when raising kids. For example: the desire to...
Memebase Animal Comedy Geek Universe CheezCake 25+ Funny Exercise Memes for Workout Inspo (December 7, 2024)It can be hard to find the motivation to work out this time of year. You're preoccupied with work, making plans for the holidays, and lacing up your gym shoes might be the...
Hard to be a lawyer if overzealous cops shoot her while she’s still in college Regalli April 5, 2020 at 12:05 am | # Also a valid concern for Sarah and Walky in particular! And oh, Ross, I think you actually believe what you’re saying right now and like FUCK is that Blain...
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Focus Is HARD Photo: u/mercy-rule Reddit 6 votes Zoom worthy? 20 Find A Way To Stay Relaxed View this post on Instagram A post shared by CoWorkery (@coworkery)onApr 22, 2020 at 7:17am PDT 4 votes Zoom worthy? See what is ranked #1 ...