说到“在家办公”,可能很多人会翻译为“work at home”,这样的说法其实并不准确,“at”在这里( indicating position or location ) (表示位置、地点)在…(里),而“work at home”仅仅只能表示你工作的地点,并不一定能表示你在为公司工作(作为员工),你或许可能是自由职业者。正确的表达是:work from ...
01、work from home 像皮卡丘这种有工作单位的,正常情况下是需要去公司办公室办公的,不得已的情况下在家里工作,是说work from home的。 来看一下 work from home 的解释: You do work for someone from your home; your work is still centered around the workplace, but you are completing it remotely. ...
首先我们来看一下,home office它是一个名词词组,表示“家庭办公室”,而不是动词“居家办公”的意思。 例句: When he had a daughter, the company equipped him with a home office and allowed him to work from home for 6 months. 当他有了女儿,公司为...
Working at home can also mean that you are working your job in your house but it is more common when you don’t work for a company. The preposition at, has a more temporary meaning. Working at home 这个短语也可以表示你在家里工作,但更常见的使用语境是你不是为公司工作。介词at,有更临时的...
首先我们来看一下,home office它是一个名词词组,表示“家庭办公室”,而不是动词“居家办公”的意思。 例句: When he had a daughter, the company equipped him with a home office and allowed him to work from home for 6 months. 当他有了女儿,公司为他配备了家庭办公室,并允许居家办公半年。
Working at home can also mean that you are working your job in your house but it is more common when you don’t work for a company. The preposition at, has a more temporary meaning. Working at home 这个短语也可以表示你在家里工作,但更常见的使用语境是你不是为公司工作。介词at,有更临时的...
Virtual office: 虚拟办公室;远程工作时使用的在线工作环境。 Flexible work arrangement: 灵活工作安排;指在时间和地点上灵活安排工作的方式,包括居家办公 除了恶劣天气以及突发事件以外,当我们想申请居家办公时,我们可以这样和上司去写申请: Subject: Request for Work-from-Home Arrangement ...
在英语中,work at home常用于形容固定在家工作的人,这类人多为自由职业者。而暂时在家办公的正确表达其实是work from home。 例句: John is a freelance,so heworks at homefor years. 约翰是自由撰稿人,所以他这些年都在家工作。 Many peoplewor...
I set up the computer so that they could work from home. 我把电脑设置好,这样他们就可以在家办公了。 Telecommuting is becoming a popular response to office expenses. 远程办公正在成为减少办公开销的一个流行选择。 当然,外刊里有一个高频短语:remote work,这就是我们常说的“远程办公”,也可以表示居家办...
From the top of hill, you can see for miles.He took a knife from his pocket. 他从兜里...