Work from home VS Work at home 首先这两个英语表达,从字面意思上讲,都有“居家办公”的意思。不论你是由于疫情原因暂时居家办公,还是一名自由职业者在家办公,我们都可以说work from/at home。 两者的最大区别就是work from home(WFH),更地道,在native spea...
Work from home VS Work at home 首先这两个英语表达,从字面意思上讲,都有“居家办公”的意思。不论你是由于疫情原因暂时居家办公,还是一名自由职业者在家办公,我们都可以说work from/at home。 两者的最大区别就是work from home(WFH),更地道,在native speaker中更常用。 “居家办公”为什么不是home office?
如果可以的话,人们应该在家工作,以减少社会交往,减缓病毒的传播。 【解释】 我们平时说的"在家办公"一般指工作还是属于公司安排的,你只是从家(from home)的这一头完成了工作,所以用"work from home"更准确。 假如你不去公司上班,而跑到酒店远程...
Another benefit of working from home is that you have the ability to create your working environment. 另外一个好处就是你可以创造属于自己的工作环境。相关的表达:work from home or work in the office 在家工作或者在办公室工作 video conference 视频会议 time clock 打卡上下班 当然了,除了这些好处,在...
说白了,给别人打工的人远程办公,是work from home,自由职业者在家办公就是work at home。 例句: ①That freelancer works at home. 那个自由职业者在家工作。 ②I had to work from home because of the novel coronavirus. 因为这次的新型冠状病毒,我不得不在家办公。
How to build your home office What makes a great work from home setup? Your end goal should be to create an environment where you are comfortable, where you are unlikely to be distracted, and where you have everything you need close at hand. Here are some tips for putting this together...
在当今的数字化时代, 在家办公 ,无论是"work at home"还是"work from home",已经成为了一种日益流行的新型工作模式。两种情况有着显著的差异: Work from home ,员工通常由公司安排,出于特定原因如疫情爆发,他们在家中远程办公,但工作的核心仍然是在公司的办公室。例如,"面对疫情,许多人被迫实行居家办公"。 Work...
我们在Work From Home的英文定义里看到了“remotely”这个单词。所以,remote office, remote work这类词,往往是Work From Home的同义词。 还有一个比较专业的词 - Telecommuting。它的英文注解为: “Working from home using equipment such as telephones, fax machines, and modems to contact people. ...
其英文释义是to work from home, communicating with your office, customers and others by telephone, email, etc. telecommute,其实是由两部分组成。 前缀tele-来自希腊副词tele,原意为afar (遥远地)。1792年,它作为前缀首次出现在新词telegraph (电报)中,此后,许多带有tele的新词产生了。
Range of work from home set up essentials you need to boost productivity. Work, study or hobbies, you need the right furniture for the job. Take the work out of creating your home office, whether your living space is small or large.