etc.," from Old Englishwerian"to clothe, put on, cover up," from Proto-Germanic*wasīn-(source also of Old Norseverja, Old High Germanwerian, Gothicgawasjan"to clothe"), according to Watkins from a suffixed form of PIE*wes-(2) "to clothe," extended form of root*eu-"to dress." ...
binary Prefix/Suffix Words binary Related Words binds 4/5« bind noun something that hinders as if with bonds verb stick to firmly stick to; hold fast; adhere; stick; bond. Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall? More 'bind' Meaning binds Associated Words binds Prefix/Suffix Words...
1934, frombenzo-, word-forming element used in chemistry to indicate presence of a benzene ring fused with another ring, +di+azo-+epine, a suffix denoting a seven-membered ring, from Greekhepta(seeseven). nitrogen(n.) colorless, odorless gaseous element, 1794, from Frenchnitrogène, coined...