emia: Suffix meaningblood or referring to the presence of a substance in the blood. As for example, anemia (lack of blood) and hypervolemia (too high a volume of blood). The ending -emia is one of the building blocks derived from Greek (in this case) or Latin used to construct medic...
1、SuffixMeaningExample-acpertaining to 属于,关于cardiac: pertaining to the heart心脏(病)的-alpertaining to medical: pertaining to medicine-arpertaining to molecular: pertaining to a molecule 分子的-arypertaining to belonging to ciliary: pertaining to the cilia睫毛的,纤毛的,毛状的-aseenzyme 酶...
A suffix is a word ending that modifies a root.A suffix may indicate that the word is a noun or an adjective and often determines how the definition of the word will begin. For example, using the rootmyel/o,meaning“bone marrow,”the adjective ending-oidforms the wordmyeloid, which mean...
What is the meaning of binomial nomenclature? Define what is anaplasia. What does the term genomics mean? Define the following word: "virusemia". What is the definition of viroid? What does the term parsimony mean in biology? In biology what is meant by the term classification? Identify key...
noun an orange-yellow pigment in the bile that forms as a product of hemoglobin; excess amounts in the blood produce the yellow appearance observed in jaundice hematoidin; haematoidin. More 'bilirubin' Meaning bilirubin Associated Words bilirubin Prefix/Suffix Words bilirubin Related Words thromb...
andoftendetermineshowthedefinitionofthewordwill begin.Forexample,usingtherootmyel/o,meaning “bonemarrow,”theadjectiveending-oidformsthe wordmyeloid,whichmeans“likeorpertainingtobone marrow.”Theending-omaproducesmyeloma,whichis atumorofthebonemarrow.Addingitis,which ...
word-forming element meaning "blood," perhaps via Old French hemo-, Latin haemo-, from Greek haimo-, contraction of haimato-, combining form of haima "blood" (see -emia). Entries linking to hemo- hemophobia (n.) 1844, from hemo- "blood" + -phobia "fear." Perhaps based on French ...
Suffix Meaning -ac -al -ar -ary -ase -cle -e -eal -ia -ic -ics pertaining to 属于,关于 pertaining to pertaining to pertaining to belonging to enzyme 酶 smallness 小,少,贫乏,小气 an instrument 仪器 pertaining to condition; quality pertaining to study of; name of a science Example ...
before vowelsglyc-, word-forming element meaning "sweet," from Latinized combining form of Greekglykys,glykeros"sweet" (seegluco-). Used in reference to sugars generally. OED says a regular formation would beglycy-. Entries linking toglyco- ...