ROOT-WORDSareDUC, DUCE & DUCTwhich come from the Latin ducere meaningLEAD. It will indeed LEAD you to many places, people, and subjects.1. Abduct : ab DUCT (ab dukt’) v.To take away by force; kidnap2. Deduct : de DUCT (de dukt’) v.To take away from; as, deduct ten percent...
There are 271 eight-letter words with r, m, o, u in any position. Here are the first 100. Click "More" for more 8-letter words. Add More Filters aerobium alumroot amberous amokuras armoured armourer auriform ausforms belamour biramous bohriums boomburb bothrium brougham budworms chromi...
Old Englisheorl"brave man, warrior, leader, chief" (contrasted withceorl"churl"), from Proto-Germanic*erlaz, which is of uncertain origin. In Anglo-Saxon poetry, "a warrior, a brave man;" in later Old English, "nobleman," especially a Danish under-king (equivalent of cognate Old Norse...
Many English words are formed by taking basic words and adding combinations of prefixes and suffixes to them. A basic word to which affixes (prefixes and suffixes) are added is called a root word be…
bundle map bundle off hurry away bundled black tip duc bundled with a 2gb sd bundling sale bundling strategy bundoran bundwagen bunga citra lestari bungarusmulticinctusm bunge auriculate root bungy jumping bunker adjustment fac bunker gear turnouts bunker surcharge or b bunkerreactor bunkie station bun...
english word with root word ‘phil’- bibliophile – the one who loves books philologist – word lover who is a scholar of language philanthropist – is a person who loves mankind. philosopher – a person who will love wisdom philodendron – a tree that curls up while growing and are ...
What is another word for monarch? What is the opposite of monarch? Sentences with the word monarch What is the adverb for monarch? What is the adjective for monarch? What is the noun for monarch? Use our Rhyming Dictionary Nearby Rhymes Monam Monandrian Monarchians monamine monamines monand...
ve haf vays of making you talk Find more words! o'clock See Also What is another word for o'clock? Sentences with the word o'clock Use our Rhyming Dictionary Nearby Rhymes O'Connor Oconto o'clair o'clockish o'connell ockerdom ockerism ockerisms ockers ockham's ocnophil ocoteFind...
Also see words with g and v. abandonedly, abasedly, abashedly, abbeystead, abbeystede, abditory, abdominally, abdominocystic, abdominohysterectomy, abdominohysterotomy, abdominoscopy, abecedary, abidingly, abmodality, abody, aboundingly, abrayed, abridgedly, abruptedly, abscondedly, ...
family of derivative words, and yet the "c" invocis not present. There are several reasons for this sort of pattern, and the changes often depend on what language each individual word comes from, but it serves as a reminder that not every word with the same root will look exactly the ...