duct,duce & duc ROOT-WORDSareDUC, DUCE & DUCTwhich come from the Latin ducere meaningLEAD. It will indeed LEAD you to many places, people, and subjects.1. Abduct : ab DUCT (ab dukt’) v.To take away by force; kidnap2. Deduct : de DUCT (de dukt’) v.To take away from; as, ...
On the other hand, the root word “aud” (which comes from Latin) cannot be used by itself and has to be combined with other letters to form words like “auditorium,”“audition,” and “audible.” Because many root words are of Latin or Greek origin, they don’t make sense as ...
In contrast, a root is the basis of a new word, but it does not typically form a stand-alone word on its own. For example, the word reject is made up of the prefix re- and the Latin root ject, which is not a stand-alone word. Latin RootDefinitionExample ambi both 两者都 ambiguou...
from Old Frenchconduit(12c.) "escort, protection; pipe, channel," from Latinconductus"a leading, a pipe," noun use of past participle ofconducere"to lead or bring together; contribute, serve," from assimilated form ofcom"with, together" (seecon-) +ducere"to lead" (from PIE root*deuk...
coming from the latin language – m eaning –something that is “made” or “done”. let’s check the different words with this root word – factory: is a place where something is “made”. manufactured: a place where something is made too. manufactured originally means something that is...
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conduct. early 15c., "to guide, accompany and show the way," from Latin conductus, 过去分词 of conducere "to lead or bring together; contribute, serve," from 同化形式 of com "with, together" + ducere "to lead". A duct is a pipe, tube, or channel which carries a liquid or gas,...
Classicists prefer to write the diphthong oe separate in Latin words. Oecoid (n.) The colorless porous framework, or stroma, of red blood corpuscles from which the zooid, or hemoglobin and other substances of the corpuscles, may be dissolved out. Oecology (n.) The various relations of ...
You may also find it useful to be mindful of the many Latin derivatives in the English language. Sometimes a familiar English word can be your key to learning a Latin root. Vice versa, Latin roots can help greatly improve your English vocabulary. ab (a) + abl. - away from, from; by...
All the Latin language and language derived are composed of prefix + root + inflection, composite, derived + suffix. In foreign linguistics, phonology, grammar must learn words. English Teaching in China the authority of truth is not mature. The teaching method is very harmful. No science, ...